INFO EUROPE 1 – Mobilizations for Gaza: intelligence fears the blocking of several Parisian high schools

INFO EUROPE 1 – Mobilizations for Gaza: intelligence fears the blocking of several Parisian high schools
INFO EUROPE 1 – Mobilizations for Gaza: intelligence fears the blocking of several Parisian high schools

Jean-Baptiste Marty / Photo credit: Eric Broncard / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP
9:43 p.m., May 2, 2024modified to

7:04 a.m., May 3, 2024

Tension is rising in French universities and schools with a mobilization of pro-Palestinian activists which could affect Parisian high schools. Intelligence is considering blockades of several Parisian high schools this Friday.

Charlemagne, Voltaire, Hélène Boucher… In all, around fifteen high schools are affected by calls to block their doors. This information has been circulating since Thursday evening on social networks. And there is fear on the part of intelligence with incidents that could break out on the part of these pro-Palestinian activists, with a wild wandering in the capital. Intelligence even fears the blockages of several Parisian high schools.

A rally of far-left students planned from 2 p.m.

These high school students could then join the gathering of far-left students, planned from 2 p.m., Place du Panthéon, in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, where, according to information from Europe 1, 300 to 500 activists are expected. .

A risky gathering, according to the authorities, where excesses have already taken place late Thursday afternoon. Palestinian movements which are spreading with increasingly increased surveillance from the authorities.



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