Michel Barnier is preparing to give his general policy speech

Michel Barnier is preparing to give his general policy speech
Michel Barnier is preparing to give his general policy speech

This live feed is provided by journalists from the general information department of La Nouvelle République.

12 h 25. Michel Barnier recalled Tuesday in the Council of Ministers “ its intangible attachment to the rule of law”, non-compliance with which is a “red line” for the Prime Minister, reported government spokesperson Maud Brégeon after statements by Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau.

“It is unthinkable to call into question (the rule of law) even if it’s just a centimeter,” she said. “This is the framework (that Michel Barnier) has set and will continue to set for the entire government.”

Bruno Retailleau aroused numerous criticisms within the presidential camp and on the left after declaring that the rule of law was not “not intangible, nor sacred”. The Minister of the Interior regretted Tuesday morning “false debates”, specifying that the rule of law was “the foundation of (the) Republic”.

“When we listen to Bruno Retailleau […] we have the impression that he is a spokesperson for the National Rally”, reacted Laure Lavalette, RN deputy, guest of BFMTV this Tuesday morning.

12 h 20. At the end of his speech, which should last an hour, Michel Barnier will not seek a vote of confidence from the deputies, as he does not have an absolute majority.

The vote of confidence is a tradition in the Assembly, but is not obligatory. If such a vote is refused, the government must in principle resign.

On the other hand, by refusing the vote of confidence, the Prime Minister exposes himself to a motion of censure.

12 h 10. The deputies will not be the only ones gathered to listen to Michel Barnier’s general policy speech. Didier Migaud, Minister of Justice and number 2 in the government, will have to simultaneously read the same speech to the senators.

12 h. Welcome to this live, to follow with us the general policy declaration of the new Prime Minister. It’s a tradition for every prime minister who sets down their bags at Matignon. Before a General Assembly without a majority, Michel Barnier will have to give the orientations of his government at 3 p.m.

Meanwhile, more than 180 demonstrations are planned in at the call of the CGT, the FSU and Solidaires to demand in particular the repeal of the pension reform and an increase in wages.

The first demonstrations started in the morning, as in and Châteauroux, joined by youth organizations which blocked several high schools.

In the meantime, you can find (re) read our article What to expect from Michel Barnier’s general policy speech? to find out more.



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