Train ticket prices: UFC-Que Choisir criticizes the lack of transparency

Train ticket prices: UFC-Que Choisir criticizes the lack of transparency
Train ticket prices: UFC-Que Choisir criticizes the lack of transparency

Train ticket prices vary from one booking platform to another, without any real explanation. This is the observation made by the UFC-Que Choisir which criticizes this lack of transparency, in a study published this Tuesday. The consumer association believes more broadly that “the obstacles to the use of rail transport remain numerous”.

“Access to information, reservations, transparency of pricing and guarantees of safe arrival at the platform are too often lacking”, underlines the UFC which recently highlighted the quality of service and punctuality on trains regional (TER).

Price differences for cross-border journeys

Regarding prices, “the fog persists at the time of booking,” writes UFC-Que Choisir in its press release. According to the study, which analyzed 24 national and international connections, prices can diverge for the same train depending on the reservation platform used.

“A consumer wishing to book a -Stuttgart journey – a connection jointly operated by SNCF and Deutsche Bahn – will find that the prices displayed on SNCF Connect and on the Deutsche Bahn website are different,” explains the association. SNCF Voyageurs has recognized these price differences which may appear on cross-border journeys operated by two operators.

“As part of cooperation on cross-border trains between and Germany, the offer from SNCF Voyageurs and DB is regulated. On the other hand, on journeys in Germany it is completely normal that there may be a difference in the prices offered,” indicates SNCF Voyageurs.

“On its distribution channels, SNCF Voyageurs only offers part of the DB tariff offer. This can therefore lead to price differences, particularly on the various distribution channels of SNCF Voyageurs (of which SNCF Connect is a part),” added the company.

A lack of visibility

UFC-Que Choisir also noted that the minimum fares offered for a journey on a given day differed depending on the platforms. For example, for a Madrid, the cheapest journey will be 142.50 euros on Rome2Rio and… 76.99 euros on Trainline. A Paris- will cost at least 55 euros on SNCF Connect compared to 66 euros on Tictactrip.

“All distributors have access to the same prices for SNCF Voyageurs trains,” assured the company, which disputes imposing different prices depending on the sales platforms used. Another subject raised by UFC-Que Choisir: the impossibility of purchasing a ticket for a company other than SNCF Voyageurs on the SNCF Connect website or application.

“The consumer cannot know from this application either the existence of a journey with a connection abroad, nor that of a Paris- train operated by Trenitalia,” believes the UFC. Asked about the case of the non-distribution of Trenitalia on SNCF Connect, SNCF did not wish to comment.



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