a teacher denounces alcoholic evenings during a school trip

a teacher denounces alcoholic evenings during a school trip
a teacher denounces alcoholic evenings during a school trip

Drinking, exposed buttocks and questionable games: a former PE teacher at the Saint-Riquier middle school/high school in denounced these actions of his colleagues to his superiors. This resulted in a transfer that he experiences as a double punishment. He also filed a complaint for sexual assault. He testifies.

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It’s an accumulation“, whispers Michaël Richard at the end of his testimony. A physical education and sports teacher since 2009, the man in his forties is athletic, but the dejection can be seen on his face.

Shocked by the actions of his colleagues during a ski trip organized in March 2023 by his establishment, the Saint-Riquier middle and high school in Amiens, he began by alerting his superiors. His relationships with his colleagues have logically deteriorated. He was finally transferred to another establishment in July 2024, which he is experiencing “like a betrayal“Too exhausted by the situation, he has not given lessons since September.”However, I love my job, I was never absent before“, he assures.

Michaël Richard begins practicing in the Saint-Riquier establishment in 2018.It’s a great establishment, in terms of working conditions, it’s the best of the best” he emphasizes. However, one thing bothers him: during the ski trips organized each year by the establishment, some of his colleagues have evenings where “in terms of alcohol, it’s abuse for some“, explains the professor.

These are not behaviors of teachers, these are behaviors of adults who go skiing with each other.

Michael Richard

PE teacher

In 2023, some people film these evenings and broadcast the images to their colleagues and loved ones via WhatsApp. On those we were able to consult, they are indeed drunk, in a very “student party” atmosphere where they happily show their buttocks. Nothing really shocking in absolute terms, except that they are at this very moment responsible for dozens of minors.

These are not behaviors of teachers, these are behaviors of adults who go skiing with each other, okreacts Michaël Richard. But when we have kids on watch… Parents count on us. If they knew, they would never entrust their children to us. So I want parents to know.

During the same stay, Michaël Richard was the victim of the “chdar game” or “olive game” whose rules were simple: when someone leaned forward, a colleague pretended to put a finger in his mouth. anus. “They have been doing it among themselves since I arrived in the establishment, but know very well that I do not want to participate. I felt humiliated“, he says.

The atmosphere becomes tense, a meeting is organized between the six PE teachers present among the thirteen supervisors of the stay. The colleague with wandering fingers would have started by apologizing to Michaël Richard, then “when I told him that for me it was sexual assault, he got angry and threatened me“, he asserts. The rest of the events will only be a slow deterioration of these already tense relationships.

Busy with his family life, Michaël Richard gets through the end of the year as best he can without making waves. But in the fall of 2023, he decides to talk to his headteacher about the ski trip. A decision motivated by the indignation he feels, but not only: “If a student had come at that time, what would he have seen? asks Michaël Richard. Either he wouldn’t have said anything, or he would have told his parents ‘I saw the teachers do that’. And I don’t want to be associated with that. I don’t want the police to come knocking on my door in five years and ask me if I was skiing in 2023.

According to the teacher, the head of the establishment is understanding, “pull up the straps” from his colleagues, but the embarrassing “games” continue. And above all, he feels ostracized by the team, the situation remains tense. He increases the number of reports of actions perceived as hostile to the head of the establishment. End of March 2024, a meeting goes badly, it’s the last straw.

I was taken away, rather than the others. I find this to be a total injustice.

Michael Richard

PE teacher

I didn’t sleep all night, I hesitated to stop everything, to give up everythinghe remembers. The next day, I decided to file a complaint for sexual assault, for the ‘olive’ of 2023. I want there to be a trial, because the witnesses will be forced to take an oath and I hope they will say the truth.“This complaint and the reports he makes to the rectorate do not improve relations with the rest of his team.”LThe rectorate heard the main protagonists as part of internal investigations“, indicates the communication from this institution.

In July 2024, a notification appears on his phone: he is transferred to another establishment in Amiens. “I was taken away, rather than the others. I think it’s a total injusticedeplores Michaël Richard. It’s probably easier to transfer one person than four. But I no longer have overtime, so I lose €400 in salary. I was planning on going to Saint-Riquier, I wanted to continue there. I feel humiliated.“For him, it would have been fairer if his colleagues had been transferred.

The rectorate ensures “that this is in no way a disciplinary measure against him: this transfer decision was taken at the end of 2023-24, in the interest of the service and the students, given the highly tense situation which is was then established within the teaching team.

Still, rumors about the absence of Michaël Richard at the start of the school year are rife among the students of Saint-Riquier. “It seems that you are an Islamist“, a student sends him via Linkedin, at the beginning of September. “There are serious rumors we would like to inform you of them“, another student sent him a few days later. “When I received the first message, I told myself that I wasn’t going to react if I didn’t receive more. But I received a second message, I want to set the record straight“, indicates the professor.

Internally, I am devastated, they have taken away my desire to do my job.

Michael Richard

PE teacher

In my new establishment, I went to the start of school with tears in my eyes. Then, I went on sick leave, I wasn’t able to go back to school. This can’t last forever, I’m going to try to get back to work, but I’m not motivated anymore. I am an empty shell. No one can make me accept something that I find unfair.“, deplores Michaël Richard.

Last episode of this story which is getting worse, on September 2 and 3, he goes to Saint-Riquier, “to raise awareness, tell students and parents to speak up if they witness disturbing things” he assures. The establishment calls the police. “We contacted the competent authorities and filed a complaint for disturbing public order, defamation and contempt“, indicates the head of the establishment in a message sent to parents of students via the school application. A message which was quickly deleted, but which we were able to consult.

I am destroyed. I’m not even angry… Internally, I’m devastated, they took away my desire to do my job“, concludes Michaël Richard. According to him, what motivates his testimony is above all the need to reestablish the truth about him and to alert the parents. He hopes to be able to meet the rector and that a trial will have only one thing is certain to this day: his professional and personal distress is glaring.



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