The president of Medef draws up a list of savings to launch before increasing taxes

The president of Medef draws up a list of savings to launch before increasing taxes
The president of Medef draws up a list of savings to launch before increasing taxes

Patrick Martin declared last week that his movement was “ready to discuss an increase in corporate taxes” on the condition in particular that the State makes savings efforts “much greater” than what it would ask of companies .

The president of Medef, Patrick Martin, wrote to Michel Barnier on Monday to list the savings, amounting to “more than 30 billion euros”, that should be “considered” before increasing taxes on businesses and individuals, as a strengthening of the fight against social fraud. “On the eve of your general policy declaration, I wanted to express our concerns about the economic and budgetary situation and share with you our proposals contributing to a lasting reduction in public spending,” Patrick Martin wrote to the head of government in a letter.

He declared to the press last week that his movement was “ready to discuss an increase in taxes on businesses”, which the Prime Minister said he would not exclude for the largest of them, on the double condition that the State makes savings efforts “much greater” than what it would ask of companies, and that the contribution of the latter “does not stop the dynamic of investment and job creation”.

Strengthening the fight against social fraud

The letter sent Monday details the efforts to be “considered” before “any reflection on any increase in taxation whatsoever”. It is written in a very solemn tone which underlines more strongly than last week that Medef sees it as a prerequisite. Patrick Martin thus advocates a strengthening of the fight against social fraud, estimated by the High Council for the financing of social protection at 13 billion euros annually. To this end, Medef recommends “better coordination between the different social organizations” and a strengthening of controls.

The leader also underlines the existence of 438 public agencies representing “81 billion euros of expenditure”, deeming it “imperative to consider mergers, pooling and outsourcing” of these State operators, to generate 3 billion savings. , according to calculations by the EY firm. He sees 800 million euros to be saved per year by reforming the social system for cross-border workers who currently receive unemployment benefits in while they contribute in the country where they work.

The president of Medef also cites the 12 billion euros which, according to EY, could be saved by “finalizing the digital transformation of public administrations”. He also calls for “controlling absenteeism in the public service”, more frequent than in the private sector, suggesting the maintenance of one day of waiting and a replacement rate limited to 90% in this sector. Finally, he calls for the “immediate” resumption of the simplification and transposition projects.



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