five podcasts to listen to to understand everything about the election

five podcasts to listen to to understand everything about the election
five podcasts to listen to to understand everything about the election

There is a month left before we find out whether Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Kamala Harris will enter the White House. While waiting for November 5, here is a selection of podcasts to understand everything about the American presidential election and the issues it involves.

1. “Fifty States”: road trip across the United States

“The United States is 50 states”or Fifty States in English. Twice a week, journalist Guillaume Hennette introduces us to one of them. From Georgia, “The Coca-Cola State”au Kentucky, “the state shaped like fried chicken”passing through Ohio, “the land of the Amish”each episode explores the anecdotes but also the history of these territories that make up the United States. With, each time, the interview of an expert with a good knowledge of the State highlighted, like Gilles Bouleau, former correspondent in Washington for TF1the researcher Laurence Nardon, or the historian Bertrand Van Ruymbeke.

With its format, less than thirty minutes, and its very pop production, Fifty States never tires despite its 50 episodes. Apart from historical anecdotes, the podcast produced by Daily also highlights the political issues of each State, whether they are key or not. The only downside: most of the episodes were broadcast before Democrat Joe Biden passed the torch to Kamala Harris. But who could have predicted such a twist in the campaign?

Fifty States, a podcast by Guillaume Hennette, Bangumi Productions, available on all platforms.

In 2020, season 1 of Washington d’ici punctured the post. The team of French-speaking public correspondents based in Washington is back this year to follow this new American election. Behind the scenes of the White House, campaign developments, reports, decryptions… This original podcast immerses you every two weeks (or more) in the atmosphere of the campaign and in the daily life of Americans in the capital of the United States.

Sébastien Paour (franceinfo), Jordan David (RTS), Frédéric Arnould (Radio Canada), Sonia Dridi (RTBF) and Guillaume Naudin (RFI), broadcast the first episode of season 2 on February 20, a few weeks before the primaries. And they will occupy the airwaves until after the inauguration of whoever enters the White House on January 20, 2025.

Washington d’ici, season 2, a podcast from French-speaking public media in Washington. Available on all platforms.

Read also: NARRATIVE. From the departure of Joe Biden to his inauguration in Chicago, the rise of Kamala Harris

3. “In 6 key dates”: American democracy dissected

As the American elections approach, journalist Thomas Snégaroff offers six episodes of his podcast In 6 key dates on the history of the United States. It all began in 1776, the year of the Declaration of Independence by which thirteen colonies united to form the United States of America. However, the page on racial segregation has not yet been turned. In the other episodes, this podcast explores the isolationist temptations of the United States, until the shift of the Second World War, then 1968, and finally the jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001 until the storming of the Capitol on September 6. January 2021.

A conversation between Thomas Snégaroff and the historian Romain Huré allows us to dissect the history of American democracy, which is still so fragile. And to understand the issues of the upcoming election.

In 6 key dates: United States, anatomy of a democracy, a podcast Inter by Thomas Snégaroff. Six 15-minute episodes available on all platforms.

4. “2024: the keys to the White House”: pedagogy at the heart

The first episode of this podcast was published on November 5, 2023, exactly one year before the American election. In 2024: the keys to the White House, the great reporter Lionel Gendron, former correspondent in the United States for RTL et M6answers questions from Thomas Beker, journalism student at Science Po , also known for his podcast The Political Quarter Hour.

The dialogue between the two men allows us to raise questions that many listeners are asking about the election and brings the campaign drama to life. In each of the episodes of less than thirty minutes, broadcast every week or every two weeks, Lionel Gendron and Thomas Beker are concerned with pedagogy to address the most neophytes. But those most interested in the subject will also find what they are looking for.

2024: the keys to the White House a podcast hosted by Ausha, available on all platforms.

Read also: American presidential election: why Donald Trump has not said his last word against Kamala Harris

5. “This is America”: the issues of the campaign deciphered

Abortion, immigration, wokism, war in Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East… Since the start of the campaign for the White House, Democrats and Republicans have been torn apart over these themes. What will really weigh in the vote?

In his podcast This is America Alexis Buisson, newspaper correspondent The Cross in the United States, exchanges with political and economic specialists, but also activists during eight episodes of around twenty minutes. Very anchored in the current campaign, this podcast allows you to really understand the issues of this election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris and to better understand current American society.

This is America, a podcast of The Cross with an episode available every Thursday until October 31 on all platforms.



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