a Lyonnais earns a million euros without realizing it

A loyal customer of a tobacco bar in discovered, with the help of employees, that he had won a million euros thanks to Millionaire. This is a great first for the establishment and this victory brings a breath of optimism to the entire neighborhood.

???? The essential things to know on this winner from at Millionaire FDJ scratch game :

  • ✅ And Lyon customer gagne a million euros with a Millionaire scratch ticket.
  • ✅ This is the first time such a big gain is recorded in the tobacco bar La Tabactière in Lyon.
  • ✅ The winner wishes keep your anonymity and he stayed discreet about his projects.

Play Millionaire on FDJ.fr

A regular customer of a tobacco bar in 3rd district of Lyon won the million euros last August 7. A big general surprise for the staff at the point of sale, but also especially for the main person concerned!

Surprise in a Lyon tobacco bar!

On August 7, a regular customer of a tobacco bar located in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon scratched a game ticket from the illiko range. So far, nothing unusual since he did it often and he wasn’t the only customer. One thing is certain, he was far from suspecting that he was going become a millionaire following this usual little play session. Besides, he didn’t even see that your ticket was a winner after scratching it. In any case, the scratch game will have him opened the doors of fortune : he pockets the exceptional sum of one million euros.

A huge victory announced discreetly

The ticket, accessible for amount of 10 euroswas recorded by two employees, Aram and Christian, at the point of sale located at 49 Richard-Vitton courses. They were also the ones who discovered that the ticket was a winner. Indeed, it was when checking the ticket that they realized the colossal gain.

So, discreetly, they then took care to move away from the audience so that no one else would hear. And, they informed the customer of his incredible victory. Obviously, he was in shock, he couldn’t believe it. The FDJ was immediately contacted to confirm this unexpected sum.

A historic event for the establishment

Sabrina Soares Algore and her husband Amory, the managers of La Tabactière, expressed their joy at seeing one of their loyal customers leave with such a gain.

???? « In eight years of operationthis is the first time that we have had a very big prize”, she happily confided to our colleagues at Progres.fr.

This event therefore marks a turning point for their establishment and he brought a wind of happiness throughout the Montchat district of Lyon. And, the bosses do not hide this victory which they share with as many people as possible!

The party is here!

The winner prefers to keep his secret identity and he also chose to stay discreet on the use of his new fortune. For now ! As for the bar-tabac team, made up of several entertainers, they shared this moment of joy with the customers.

????« This is information likely to bring balm to people’s hearts, especially at this time,” added Sabrina, delighted to bring this note of hope to its regulars.

In this district of Lyon, the story of this winner has reason inspire all gambling enthusiasts. But that’s not the only win that’s fascinating. We still remember the couple who won 1.8 million euros twice au Keno ! Clearly, Lyon is the lucky spot!

Play Millionaire on FDJ.fr

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Photo by Céline Cossa

Editorial manager of the lottery section on Tirage-Gagnant.com since November 2022. Initially specialized in the real estate sector, she naturally turned to the lottery sector for its attraction of great stories and this luck that cannot be controlled not.

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