These “Seynois d’or” contribute to the influence of the city

These “Seynois d’or” contribute to the influence of the city
These “Seynois d’or” contribute to the influence of the city

It’s difficult not to be captivated by the view offered by Villa Tamaris on the eponymous corniche. And this, even when you are a native or resident of La Seyne.

This is what we were able to notice, late Saturday afternoon, before the Seynois d’or ceremony, which took place in the building built by Michel Pacha at the end of the 19th century.e century.

With a smile on their lips, many future recipients did not hesitate to immortalize and “Instagram” the moment, as if they were visiting this sumptuous site for the first time.

“Rediscover pride”

Everyone then returned to their assigned seats to attend the ceremony of which they were the stars.

Before proceeding with the awards ceremony, Nathalie Bicais opened the protocol by emphasizing that this ceremony is “something that [lui] is close to our hearts, because we know that there is talent in La Seyne.”

By awarding what she calls “the medal of the Seynois Order of Merit”the mayor said she was happy “demonstrate [notre] gratitude and [notre] respect because we are leading this fight to regain the pride of being the second city of the department, a pride that La Seyne deserves because it is a magnificent city.” For more than an hour, accompanied by elected officials, she greeted the ambassadors of the town who “embody the dynamism of our city, competing with its influence and its quality of life”.

The 48 recipients of this 2024 edition were divided into three categories with three distinct trophies: the Honorary Prize medal for the culture, self-giving, charitable and solidarity category; the Lifting Bridge trophy for the business category and the Sports Trophies medal for athletes.

Philharmonie and Ducobu

Among the winners, we can cite the soprano Chrystelle Di Marco, the comedian Yves Pujol, the trapeze artist and director of the Tout Fou To Fly circus school, Elza Renoud.

Then came the turn of Jean Arèse. The president of the La Seynoise Philharmonic, the oldest association in the city, was undoubtedly the oldest of the winners, but, however, he did not need his cane to collect his prize amid acclamations.

The appeal of another prize-winner also caused some murmurs among the public. Because if they don’t know him personally, many have already seen him on the big screen. This is François Viette. When he was only 13 years old, Seynois was in fact starring in the film Ducobu’s holidays. Now at the head of his audiovisual structure, Ciné Méditerranée, he was decorated by the mayor.

And just like the other winners of the class of 2024, the actor also received an invitation to attend the premiere of the series Tom and Lolafilmed partly in the town, and which will be broadcast this evening at the Palais Neptune in .

The winners by category

n Culture, self-giving, charity and solidarity (Honorary Prize medal): Chrystelle Di Marco, Yves Pujol, François Viette, Snake, Olivier Remini, Shannon Tissot, Elza Renoud, Jean Arese, Emilie Delamorinière and Pascal Scatena, Lola Pellat , Andréa Livache, Simon Teboul, Marie Gillet, Océanne Troude, Stella Giordana (aka Estelle Descamps in real life), Marie-Madeline Goerges, Francis , Thimoté Loir.
n Companies (Pont levant trophy): Jean-Christophe Giol for Giol shellfish, Boris Touaty for Cafés Maurice, Fabrice Balland for the Sapone Nustrale company, Nathan Courbon for the bakery Le bakery des Deux Frères, Johan Kherat for the e- Booj company, Marc Cannamela for the technical building company, Malik Dahman and Didier Sammaritano for the Phosphorus Technologies company, Michel Cresp for the Systemique company, Stéphane Nicolas for the Prolexia company.
n Sports (Sports Trophies medal):
Edwige Alfred, Pierre Cappizzo-Céleste, Dominique de Roma, Frédéric Portier, Leslie Van Kaan, Kim Lowitz and Morgane Santarelli, Sacha Marchal, Camille Colin de Verdiere, Chehine Shili, Lilan Benachour, Enzo Laifa, Ryan Ben Hassen, Kylian Soma, Fefa Lloret, Amir Issaev, Emanuel Carlotti, Kali Yacoubi et Samuel de Broussac.



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