Towards joint gas production between Algeria and Gazprom

Towards joint gas production between Algeria and Gazprom
Towards joint gas production between Algeria and Gazprom

Algeria is preparing to finalize a cooperation agreement with the Russian giant Gazprom for the development of a gas field in the south of the country. Discussions led by the Hydrocarbon Regulatory Authority (ARH) have reached an advanced stage, and the signing of this contract could occur in the near future.

According to Rachid Nadhil, president of the Hydrocarbon Regulatory Authority (ARH), discussions between Algeria and Gazprom resulted in a preliminary agreement on the development of a major gas field located in the south of the country. This project, which is part of energy cooperation between the two nations, should enable Algeria to significantly increase its production and exports of natural gas.

Although specific details of the gas field are not yet disclosed, the involvement of a major player like Gazprom suggests an ambitious project. The gas field in question could significantly increase domestic natural gas production. This would strengthen Algeria’s export capacity, particularly to European markets where energy demand is growing. This agreement comes at a strategic time when Algeria seeks to diversify its energy partnerships, thus consolidating its role as a key exporter.

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“All that remains is to start extracting the gas”

“We are in contact with Gazprom, which is the largest group in Russia. We had negotiations, and today we are almost on the verge of signing the agreement,” the ARH president told the Russia Today channel. He added: “We have been in negotiations for some time, and today we have reached the development phase. Almost all that remains is to close the contract. Everything is ready, all that remains is to start extracting the gas.”

Rachid Nadhil also specifies: “We use a lot of Russian equipment in our oil installations and we are in contact with the Russian Institute of Technological Initiatives for Oil and Gas. We are almost ready with regard to Russian norms and standards, in order to be able to import the equipment.”

Geopolitically, this agreement could also provoke reactions from Algeria’s European partners, who seek to diversify their sources of natural gas supply but reduce their energy dependence on Russia.



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