Kylian Mbappé “only thinks about his face”, he swings live

Kylian Mbappé “only thinks about his face”, he swings live
Kylian Mbappé “only thinks about his face”, he swings live
Thibault Morlain


After trying different sports, Thibault turned to a career as an amateur footballer. When making a choice between becoming a professional footballer and a journalist, the qualities tipped the scales to one side. Here he is now in the editorial team of 10 Sport, after a diploma obtained at the International Institute of Communication in .

Long adored by the French public, Kylian Mbappé today no longer enjoys unanimous support in his own country. Indeed, the popularity rating of the Real Madrid player is in free fall and criticism is increasing against him. This was the case again this Sunday at the RMC microphone. And it was Christophe Cessieux who was not kind about Mbappé.

Here is a survey which confirms the decline in popularity of Kylian Mbappé among the French. Surveyed by Odoxaonly 54% have a good opinion of him, a drop of 12 points compared to last April. That’s not all, today only 35% find him humble and 58% find him friendly. And to make matters worse, 58% of French people surveyed believe thatAntoine Griezmann would make a better captainFrench team what Mbappé.

“He only thinks about making money and becoming a megastar”

It is therefore the fall for Kylian Mbappé among the French. In this regard, this Sunday, for RMC, Christophe Cessieux let out a rant, unleashing against the scorer of the Real Madrid : « He’s an individualist who only thinks about his face, about making money and becoming a megastar. This repeated mindset eventually gets into people’s heads. We no longer want to love him ».

“He broke all affect with the popular side of football”

How can we explain this disenchantment between the French and Kylian Mbappé ? Daniel Riolo had his explanations last June. The journalist RMC then confided: “ He broke all affection with the popular side of football. For me, it’s a little bit as if he only addressed the presidential stands. The football public, the popular side of football, they can’t buy my clothes, they can’t wear my watch, they can’t go on vacation with my suitcases. Nothing. Messi, he watches the Champions League with a bag of chips that everyone can buy. There you go, ah you’re eating Messi’s chips. Great champions have done this sort of thing. They were able to create luxury brands and they were able to create popular brands. Him, we have the impression that he only wants premium. Obviously that doesn’t give you a popular image. When in addition you are supposedly in the popular image the friend of the president, that part of the opinion calls the president of the rich, that in addition you have LeBron James as an example and that you want to manage your career like an NBA champion, for a country which has a particular relationship with the world of sorrel, that’s a bit of a lot of sorrel »



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