Guy Marius Sagna attacked and injured in the face

Guy Marius Sagna attacked and injured in the face
Guy Marius Sagna attacked and injured in the face

The Senegalese MP and member of the ECOWAS Parliament, Guy Marius Sagna, was attacked this Sunday afternoon in Lomé. According to a Togolese journalist present on site, Guy Marius Sagna participated in a citizens’ meeting with Togolese citizens as part of his parliamentary mission, on the sidelines of the session of the ECOWAS Parliament.

According to the same source, the situation degenerated around ten minutes after the start of the event, when the Senegalese MP asked the audience to stand up to sing the national anthem of Togo. Plastic chairs, arranged for the public, were then thrown towards the head table where Guy Marius Sagna, Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, and Targone were located. Wounded in the face and bleeding, MP Guy Marius Sagna was evacuated on the backs of two activists to a nearby clinic, reports the source.

→ ALSO READ: Guy Marius Sagna: “When I said that Macky Sall was the godfather of thieves, it wasn’t…”

“Outside, parked cars and motorbikes were vandalized. Leaders of the Dynamique pour la Majorité du Peuple (DMP), notably MP Targone and another whose name is unknown, were severely beaten. We were unable to obtain information on the condition of MP Adjamagbo. Activists were also injured,” the journalist said, adding that among the victims were journalists, some of whom had their phones confiscated.

“While the thugs, as they are called in Senegal, attacked the DMP activists, a police vehicle was making rounds on Boulevard Félix Houphouët Boigny without any agent intervening to calm the situation,” a- he denounced.

→ ALSO READ: Legislative election of November 17: Guy Marius Sagna announces his candidacy

→ ALSO READ: Guy Marius Sagna reveals everything: “Here is the amount spent by Ousmane Sonko at the Prime Minister’s Office”



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