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In Auray, 80 amateur athletes at the aquathlon-biathlon day

In Auray, 80 amateur athletes at the aquathlon-biathlon day
In Auray, 80 amateur athletes at the aquathlon-biathlon day

It had been scheduled for May, but bad weather pushed the organizers to cancel this sports day. Rescheduled for this Sunday, this event did not have much better luck with the weather but as Katia Bonnec, deputy vice-president for sports at Aqta, pointed out, “we cannot postpone this day indefinitely, especially that if you have to deal with the weather it becomes very complicated.”

The double meeting with the aquathlon and the biathlon was therefore offered this Sunday, September 29 throughout the day. With 80 registered, 40 in each discipline, the organizers, Aqta and the Alré’O aquatic center could be satisfied. It was a first, organized in the wake of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and as part of the “Terre de jeux” label.

Discovery day

“The idea was to offer a sporty and friendly day, free and accessible to all levels, athletes or non-athletes. The opportunity for everyone to discover and test Olympic sports disciplines and to raise awareness among all generations of the benefits of sport,” explains Justine Gall, director of the Alré’O center. The objective was achieved, and it was the biathlon with swimming and rifle shooting (laser), in team relay of two, adult child category, which attracted the most people, being sold out. “This proves that people appreciate coming as a family and that it is sometimes even the youngest who bring their parents,” adds the director. Everyone was able to find what they were looking for thanks to the different categories offered. Aquathlon and biathlon took place within the perimeter of the aquatic center. “These events are of course intended to be sporting but above all family-friendly, without a spirit of competition and according to the values ​​of Olympism.”



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