here is what we know

here is what we know
here is what we know

The night of September 28 to 29 was particularly dangerous on the roads of . Three traffic accidents took place in the north of the department. A 50-year-old man died in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe. Eleven other people were injured, more or less seriously. Nearly 45 firefighters were mobilized to rescue them, from 8:30 p.m. until 4 a.m.

One dead in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe

A little before midnight, emergency services intervened at a place called la Hutte, in the town of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, north of . According to initial information transmitted by the Sarthe Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis 72), two cars were involved without it being possible to confirm that it was a collision. Two departmental roads intersect in the village, the RD 310 and the RD 338.

The toll is heavy since a man aged 50 lost his life. Another person was seriously injured according to firefighters, four others more lightly. All were taken to the Le Mans hospital center.

Around twenty firefighters were mobilized, coming from the emergency centers of Ballon, Beaumont, Fresnay, Mamers, and Oisseau-le-Petit. At the moment, the exact causes of the accident are not known.

Five injured in Moncé-en-Saosnois

Earlier that same night, around 8:35 p.m., another accident involving two cars took place in the town of Moncé-en-Saosnois, at a place called Grande-.

The twenty firefighters present on site treated five injured people, two of whom were seriously injured. The first were taken to the Le Mans hospital center, the others to that of Alençon, in Orne.

Here again the exact circumstances of the traffic accident are not yet known.

A scooter accident in Danuel

An eleventh person was injured on the roads of Sarthe last night. It concerns a scooter driver who was traveling at a place called Grand-Me-Fossé, between the towns of Dangeul and Marolles-les-Braults, around 4 a.m.

According to the information transmitted by Sdis 72, he would be the only one involved in this accident which mobilized four firefighters. The victim was transported to the Mamers hospital center.



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