Policy. Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy, visiting the Maped site in : follow his trip

Policy. Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy, visiting the Maped site in : follow his trip
Policy. Antoine Armand, Minister of the Economy, visiting the Maped site in Annecy: follow his trip

Antoine Armand, from , newly appointed Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry, is back on home soil this Friday, September 27, for his first trip to the field.

All the parliamentarians (deputies and senators) of the department are present, as well as the former president of the National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer.

On the menu, visit to the Maped school supplies company in Argonay, in the company of Marc Ferracci, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry and Marie-Agnès Poussier-Winsback, Minister Delegate in charge of the Social and Solidarity Economy, Interest and Participation. A first on his land therefore, he who was deputy of the 2e constituency of Haute-Savoie until his appointment.

The new minister – at the heart of the news in recent days following his “blunder” on the “republican arc” – plans to tour the production site before speaking with employees and managers.

On the agenda of discussions between the Minister of the Economy and the directors of Maped: the start of the school year, production processes, the circular economy, salaries – and staff loyalty – and even relocation. A fear that Frédérique Lardet, president of Grand Annecy, clearly conveyed to her, citing the abandoned ZAE project in Brassilly as an example.

“I know this local land issue well,” Antoine Armand replied with a smile. “It is crucial and we have clearly seen this with the development of the Fournier group,” he reminded him. And to estimate that there was “still latitude to be found for communities in this matter, particularly with regard to the ZAN law”.

Salaries, an “important” subject

Despite the current economic context, the minister reiterated the need to support innovation and said he was listening to employees, particularly on the issue of salaries. An “important” subject, it is a question of seeing “how we can participate in improving them, in having decent salaries allowing everyone to live. »



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