The leading company in (213 billion euros in 2023) achieves a masterstroke by seizing the American gas market

The leading company in (213 billion euros in 2023) achieves a masterstroke by seizing the American gas market
The leading company in France (213 billion euros in 2023) achieves a masterstroke by seizing the American gas market

TotalEnergies is embarking on a major new acquisition in the United States.

A crucial milestone was set by the French number 1 (all sectors combined with 212.7 billion euros in 2023) in its expansion strategy, with the significant acquisition of 45% of the shares in dry gas assets in the United States. United, thus consolidating its position in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. This transaction, concluded with the Lewis Energy Group, concerns producing assets located in the prolific Eagle Ford basin, in Texas.

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Strengthening vertical integration of the American LNG market for TotalEnergies

This acquisition represents a strategic step for TotalEnergies, allowing it to strengthen its integration into the LNG value chain. It is a continuation of the company’s efforts to establish a robust presence in the American market, closely following the acquisition of the Dorado permits. Involvement in the Eagle Ford Basin, known for its competitive production costs, means not only increased access to energy resources but also cost optimization and improved operational efficiencies.

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Production capacities and development prospects

The newly acquired assets have the potential to peak at gross production of 400 million cubic feet per day by 2028. This capacity increase is a major asset for TotalEnergies, enabling it to meet the growing demand for LNG in the markets. international markets, while consolidating its status as a leader in American LNG exports.

Advances in LNG export

With a record of more than 10 million tonnes of LNG exported in 2023, TotalEnergies has established itself as the leading LNG exporter in the United States. The company plans to increase its capacity to 15 million tons per year by 2030, through facilities such as the Cameron LNG plant in Louisiana and the upcoming start-up of the Rio Grande LNG plant in Texas.

Collaboration and technological innovation

The agreement with Lewis Energy Group, recognized for its expertise and operational performance, illustrates TotalEnergies’ partnership strategy. This collaboration is essential to leverage advanced technologies and innovative practices in gas extraction and production, ensuring efficient and environmentally friendly operations.

Implications for sustainability and energy transition

TotalEnergies’ commitment to sustainable development is at the heart of this expansion. The transition to cleaner energy sources is a priority, and with this acquisition, TotalEnergies reinforces its commitment to more accessible, available and sustainable energy. The recyclability of 97.1% of the materials used in its operations underlines this commitment to the environment.

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This article explores the impact and implications of TotalEnergies’ recent acquisition of 45% of the assets in the Eagle Ford Basin. This strategic approach not only strengthens TotalEnergies’ presence in the American LNG market but also marks a significant step forward in its sustainability and vertical integration objectives. With ambitious growth projections and effective collaboration with Lewis Energy Group, TotalEnergies is well positioned to play a leading role in the global energy transition.

Source: TotalEnergies



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