their reflexes avoided a tragedy

their reflexes avoided a tragedy
their reflexes avoided a tragedy

An apartment fire broke out, during the night of Thursday to Friday September 24, 2024, in Juigné-sur-, in the center of the town. According to initial information provided by the departmental fire and rescue service, the fire broke out in an apartment and spread to the roof, rue des Vignes, in Juigné-sur-Sarthe. Four houses, divided into apartments, were able to be evacuated in time.

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Two good reflexes

It was probably the intervention of an employee and one of the residents of the building that avoided a tragedy. The first, who was going to work, saw flames coming from the attic. “He stopped and knocked and rang the doorbell, says the mayor, contacted this Friday morning, Daniel Chevalier. Few reacted. The owner of one of the apartments woke up and came out”. She then had a good reaction: the young woman rushed into her car and honked her horn. She woke up the whole neighborhood continues the mayor.

Around thirty people evacuated

39 firefighters were dispatched to the scene, coming from the emergency centers of Auvers, Brûlon, Chantenay, La Flèche, Noyen, Sablé, Degré, Le Mans Sud and Précigné. They put five lances into action to fight the flames. At 7:30 a.m., the fire was under control and emergency services began to leave the scene. Surveillance nevertheless remains in place, in particular to check the condition of the converted attic of the building where the fire started.

No one was injured in this fire. The mayor and his first deputy opened the town hall, located just opposite these affected 19th century buildings. The evacuated residents – around thirty people – were welcomed in the council room and were able to have hot drinks and breakfast.

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Rehousing will be necessary, specifies the mayor. Some families may be cared for by relatives.

The gendarmerie, present at the scene of the fire, began its investigation work to determine the causes of this fire.



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