Rather than promoting coexistence with wolves, the European Union supports their culling!

Rather than promoting coexistence with wolves, the European Union supports their culling!
Rather than promoting coexistence with wolves, the European Union supports their culling!

Regression. On Wednesday, September 25, representatives of European Union member states met and supported a European Commission proposal to lower the protection status of wolves in Europe from “strictly protected” to “protected.”

This decision would make it easier for European governments to authorize their slaughter, via the allocation of hunting quotas – in defiance of science, environmental associations and public opinion, in favor of maintaining strict protection ofspeciesspecies.

Wolf hunting: soon to be included in European law?

The decision must still be formally adopted this Thursday, September 26 during a meeting of the Council of Ministers responsible for competitiveness (Compet))before being notified to the secretariat of the Berne Convention by 1er October, last step before a possible modification of European legislation.

To understand the situation, we carried out a survey on the subject, available here.

We protect what we love, and we love what we know » said Jacques-Yves Cousteau. And you, do you really know the wolf?



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