Discover new cutting-edge equipment live to see the brain

Discover new cutting-edge equipment live to see the brain
Discover new cutting-edge equipment live to see the brain

Published on: September 26, 2024

As in previous years, the FRC and Rotary-Espoir en Tête are organizing the Awards Ceremony for the 2024 “Rotary-Espoir en Tête” Laureates. This will take place on Friday, October 11, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

What is Operation Hope En Tête?

The Rotary-Espoir En Tête Association mobilizes every year all Rotarians in arounda cinema action intended to raise funds for brain research.
> Find out more

Hope in Mind 2024

This year, the sale of vouchers for the preview of the film Louise Violet made it possible to raise funds for finance 6 high-tech equipment which will be used by teams of excellence on innovative research projects assessed and selected by the Scientific Council of the FRC, historic partner of Rotary-Espoir en Tête. The winners will be in the spotlight during the awards ceremony and will present their project.

In addition, a scientific conference will be given to learn more about the use of this type of equipment in neuroscience research.

Do you want to listen to researchers talk about neuroscience?

> the October 11 next, follow livet the 2024 Espoir en Tête awards ceremony from 10:45 a.m.

As the number of face-to-face places is limited, we invite you to follow the ceremony remotely. To do this, you must register by clicking on the link below before the October 2: Click here

Register to follow the ceremony live

To come and listen to researchers present their neuroscientific project via video, please register.

>> click here



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