Macron urges the government “to better protect the French”, “do it and say less”

Macron urges the government “to better protect the French”, “do it and say less”
Macron urges the government “to better protect the French”, “do it and say less”

From Montreal, the President of the Republic spoke Thursday evening for the first time on the death of the young Parisian student.

He hadn’t spoken yet. While the profile of the suspect in the murder of the young Filipina – a 22-year-old Moroccan already convicted of rape and under an obligation to leave the territory – has caused a lively controversy in the political class, Emmanuel Macron has first wanted to stay above the fray. From Montreal this Thursday evening, the President of the Republic recalled the“emotion of the entire nation and all French people” in front “this odious and atrocious crime” And “the pain of an entire family that must be helped, accompanied.”

If the Head of State did not want to go into detail about the affair, he affirmed that“Obviously, justice will do its job.” Just like “the government”. “Each minister in his skills”he added. Before agreeing, on a more political level, that it was necessary “better protect the French every day”. By urging Michel Barnier’s team “(to) do it, do it, do it, and say less”. A response echoing the declarations of his Prime Minister who had promised to “more action than talk” during the transfer of power with Gabriel Attal at the beginning of September.

“Irresponsible justice”, for Bardella

Especially since the right-wing oppositions and the National Rally intend to take up the matter to strengthen the legal arsenal. Republican deputies tabled a bill on Thursday to significantly extend the retention period of “dangerous illegal aliens” in the context of the murder. For his part, the boss of the National Rally Jordan Bardella castigated on 2 a “irresponsible justice”. And to promise that the RN deputies will propose the return of “double punishment” for foreign offenders.



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