Valverde analyzed Aitor Paredes’s empate and gol

Valverde analyzed Aitor Paredes’s empate and gol
Valverde analyzed Aitor Paredes’s empate and gol

The trainer of the Athletic Club, Ernesto Valverde, has listened to the media of communication with the players at night, during the later start of the players against AS Roma, corresponding to the 1st day of the UEFA Europa League, which is played at the Estadio Olímpico de Roma.

Party Valuation
“The party has so much disputed, it enters but it is very good with its quality, our products are very good and they are branded. In the second part, they are more determined and superamos of their brands 1×1 and they are packed, it is a premium. A good result tras ir perdiendo. La Roma is a great team, our aggressive brands 1×1 encourage you to correr al space and to hold mucho cuidado por dentro en tu campo, pero ellos han noted el cansancio y hemos estado ya mejor y más sueltos en the second time.”

“The parties lasted 90 minutes and the people were still there for a long time, but during the game the games could change. But players who, from the bench, only act at the end when the game ends. “.

Bajón in the first time
“The rival juega and its good. Els lanzaban sobre Dovbyk para que retrasáramos nuestra zona defensiva, nos estaba costando superar sus marcas y a veces los jessajes de buscar el espacio nos ha llevado a la precipitación. La primera parte la hemos terminado bien y nos ha servido para jugar más sueltos”.

Gol de Aitor Paredes
“In the strategic situations a balon parado we do not have to fight like the Roma, that we have many players with an important plant, but we usually work and they tend to appear to be these balones. Nuñez, for example, only tener fe appear to be rematar and ha sido quien ha puesto el balón a Paredes para hacer el gol. This is one aspect that we need to explore, although it is more difficult for all of our teams to be well prepared.

Estadísticas Fantasy del Roma – Athletic



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