Tehran ready to resume negotiations according to the International Atomic Energy Agency

Tehran ready to resume negotiations according to the International Atomic Energy Agency
Tehran ready to resume negotiations according to the International Atomic Energy Agency

Iran appears to be showing signs of willingness to resume negotiations on its nuclear program, but is currently refusing the return of inspectors whose accreditation has been revoked, Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Nuclear Agency, said on Thursday. atomic energy (IAEA), during an interview with AFP.

“The Iranians are showing signs of willingness to re-engage, not only with the IAEA, but also […] with our former partners in the 2015 nuclear agreement,” said Rafael Grossi, based on his recent exchanges in New York with Abbas Araghchi, Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

A visit planned for October

However, despite this apparent openness, Tehran does not intend to rehabilitate the IAEA inspectors whose accreditation has been withdrawn. “They do not intend to put the inspectors back on the list,” added Rafael Grossi. This situation arises in a context where Iran has considerably reduced the access of IAEA inspectors to its nuclear facilities. Surveillance cameras were disconnected, and a group of experts had their accreditation withdrawn.

The head of the IAEA is due to travel to Tehran in October, where he hopes to lobby to allow the return of the banned inspectors. He expressed his wish to discuss “different monitoring and verification measures that we could agree on before a broader agreement”, saying that such an agreement would be “a very constructive indication […] towards future negotiations.

Towards a new agreement?

Iran’s nuclear program has made significant progress in recent years. According to the IAEA, Iran has significantly increased its reserves of uranium enriched to 60%, close to the 90% threshold necessary for the manufacture of a nuclear weapon. However, Tehran continues to deny any intention of acquiring an atomic bomb.

“If things develop in a positive way, it could be […] “that there be a resumption of discussions with the former negotiating partners to see what type of framework” could be envisaged, declared Rafael Grossi, while questioning the form that a possible new agreement would take.

Rafael Grossi also insisted on the importance of seizing this opportunity “This is a moment when there is a possibility of doing something” on the Iranian nuclear issue. He highlighted the advantage that Abbas Araghchi, an experienced negotiator, could bring to these discussions, noting that “he knows everything about this process, which allows us to move forward more quickly.”



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