In , a young man between life and death after falling four floors: two young girls arrested

In , a young man between life and death after falling four floors: two young girls arrested
In Toulouse, a young man between life and death after falling four floors: two young girls arrested

the essential
A 23-year-old man was found lying at the foot of a building this Thursday, September 26 in the center of . He is out of shock in the hospital. Two young women were arrested.

Was he in an accident or was he pushed? The firefighters and the Samu intervened around 4:30 a.m. this Thursday morning, boulevard Armand-Duportal, in the Compans-Caffarelli sector in Toulouse, a stone’s throw from Capitole University.

A 23-year-old young man was lying on the ground, unconscious, and had severe injuries to his head and back. He was treated on site before being transported to the discharge department of Purpan hospital with a life-threatening prognosis. He suffered a fractured skull and a punctured lung. The police secured the scene.

They don’t call for help

The presence of tiles intrigued the responders who entered the building at the bottom of which the victim was located. They went to an apartment on the fourth and top floor. Two young girls opened the door to them.

Questioned on site, the young women aged 21 and 23 first explained that the victim was not in the apartment in which they lived together. They then changed their minds and admitted that the young man was with her before his fall.

According to them, the victim fell from the terrace onto the roof of the adjoining building without them witnessing the scene. Panicked, they did not call for help. It was witnesses in the street who raised the alarm. An investigation was opened on the grounds of “attempted murder”.

Massive alcohol consumption

Did the two roommates help their guest fall? In order to answer this question and faced with the inconsistencies of the only two witnesses, their placement in police custody was decided. But, in view of their state of intoxication, they were placed on sobering up, the time to ensure that the alcohol no longer impairs their discernment.

In the street, after the emergency services had passed, a piece of tape bears witness to the violent scene which took place a few hours earlier. The neighbors of this building did not hear anything at this late hour of the night. “It was the police who woke us up by ringing at 4:30 a.m. but we were asleep.”

The victim does not live in the neighborhood. He lives in a small building in the Minimes district, on the other side of the Canal du Midi. Is it a party night with excessive drinking gone wrong? The investigation will have to determine this.



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