Trump to meet Zelensky Friday morning

Trump to meet Zelensky Friday morning
Trump to meet Zelensky Friday morning

Donald Trump on Thursday in New York.Keystone

The Republican candidate confirmed Thursday that he would meet the Ukrainian president Friday morning at 9:45 a.m. American time (3:45 a.m. Swiss time), at the premises of Trump Tower in New York.

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Donald Trump, Republican candidate for the White House, announced Thursday that he would meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Friday morning.

“As you know, Zelensky asked to meet me. I’m going to meet him tomorrow morning around 9:45 a.m. at Trump Tower in New York.

The meeting between the two men has been the subject of much speculation during the week.

According to the American press, Donald Trump did not appreciate an interview given by Volodymyr Zelensky to the New Yorker magazine – in which the Ukrainian leader asserts that the Republican candidate “doesn’t really know how to stop this war.”

The Republican candidate has repeatedly claimed that he would resolve the war between Russia and Ukraine “in 24 hours” — without ever explaining how.

In recent months, he has been particularly critical of the billions of dollars spent by the United States to support kyiv in its war against Moscow, calling on Europe to “move on”.

The Ukrainian president is in Washington on Thursday, where he met his counterpart Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s rival in the election, Vice-President Kamala Harris. (ats/afp)

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