5 departments still placed on orange rain-flood or flood alert

5 departments still placed on orange rain-flood or flood alert
5 departments still placed on orange rain-flood or flood alert

Five departments are still placed on orange rain-flood or flood alert by Météo-, this Thursday, September 26. Only the department of Seine-et- is affected by an alert for flood risks.

Start of event for orange ‘flood’ vigilance for Grand-Morin (77)”specifies Météo-France in its afternoon bulletin. Four other departments are on orange “rain-flood” alert. This is theAinof theIsèrefrom the Savoy and the Haute-Savoie. Corrèze is no longer affected by this alert level.

In the middle of the afternoon, the Jura returned to yellow “rain-flood” alert. “A very rainy disturbance will last a good part of the end of the day on an axis going from the east of New Aquitaine to the Northern Alps and the Jura,” underlined Météo-France. “The highest accumulations are expected in the departments placed on orange alert.also indicated the meteorological institute.

The Seine-et-Marne department is already placed on orange flood alert for Friday.

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