at the break, OL and Olympiakos neutralize each other

at the break, OL and Olympiakos neutralize each other
at the break, OL and Olympiakos neutralize each other

Zapping Foot National Coupe de : , Quevilly, El-Biar, … the greatest exploits of the competition

The 2024-2025 Europa League season is launched. Four days after a disappointing defeat (2-3) against Olympique de during the last match of the fifth day of the French championship, Olympique Lyonnais faces Olympiakos (Greece) on behalf of the first day of the regular phase of C3. At the end of a pleasant first act, the two teams neutralize each other (0-0).

>> Europa League: the ranking.
>> Europa League: the results of J1.

The goalkeepers stood out

Olympique Lyonnais, who showed an interesting face during the first act, got the first opportunity of the match, insisted in the area with a cross from Nuamah pushed back by Tzolakis. Cherki recovers to the right of the area, and sends a shot from the right blocked for a corner. The latter is poorly shot (13th). Nine minutes later, Rayan Cherki throws Nuamah down the right. The winger continues his run before placing a cross shot from the right easily caught by Tzolakis (22nd). Shortly before the half-hour mark, Nuamah perfectly throws Tolisso who enters the area on the right. He continues with a cross shot from the right deflected for a corner by the foot of Tzolakis (27th).

The response from Greece’s most successful club came five minutes later, Rodinei getting back into the middle before firing a left-footed shot into the top corner. Perri relaxes to save his family (32nd). At the end of the first half, the Lyonnais had the siege of the area, this time with Lacazette serving from a tight angle. His powerful shot was blocked for a corner by Tzolakis who had closed his near post well (45th). Behind, nothing more will happen and the break has been whistled (45’+1).

To summarize

Olympique Lyonnais faces Olympiakos (Greece) for the first day of the regular phase of the C3 this Thursday, September 26. At the end of a pleasant first act, the two teams neutralize each other (0-0).



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