43 planes and 8 Chinese warships detected

43 planes and 8 Chinese warships detected
43 planes and 8 Chinese warships detected

Taiwan’s airspace is usually rather full of Taiwanese 6 fighter planes (illustrative image).Keystone

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said Thursday that 43 Chinese planes and eight ships had been detected around the island in 24 hours.

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Nearly 34 out of a total of 43 Chinese aircraft “crossed the median line and entered the southwest and east of Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (Adiz), the Ministry of Defense said. Taiwan Defense, specifying that these movements had occurred during a 24-hour period ending at 6:00 a.m. (midnight in Switzerland, during the night from Wednesday to Thursday). Images released by the ministry show planes surrounding the island, except for the northeast coast.

China, which claims the democratic island as part of its territory, sends fighter planes, drones and ships around Taiwan almost daily.

These latest incursions follow the passage of a Japanese ship through the waters of the Taiwan Strait, in order to assert its freedom of navigation, as reported by Japanese media, without confirmation from Tokyo. Japanese government spokesperson Yoshimasa Hayashi refused to comment on this information during a regular press briefing, arguing that it concerned military operations.

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The Japanese ship’s passage through the Taiwan Strait took place on Wednesday and followed the passage of boats, notably from the United States, Canada and Germany. On July 11, Taipei said it had detected 66 Chinese military aircraft in the space of 24 hours, a record.

China has said it will never renounce the use of force to take control of Taiwan and has stepped up military and political pressure on the island in recent years.


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