The Philippine shockwave, the battle of Doliprane which is launched and Brigitte Bardot’s birthday

The Philippine shockwave, the battle of Doliprane which is launched and Brigitte Bardot’s birthday
The Philippine shockwave, the battle of Doliprane which is launched and Brigitte Bardot’s birthday


And this morning the shock wave reached the written press.

“How is this even possible?” »

The question crosses the front page of Le Parisien today in . “How is it possible that Philippine was brutally murdered when the alleged perpetrator of the murder had been convicted of rape,” the newspaper recalls. “That he was under an obligation to leave the territory and did not respect his house arrest.”

A journey, he adds, which raises questions and provokes indignation.

So let’s talk about outrage. And let’s talk first this morning about the left-wing press.

Let’s move on to Le Monde for which the subject practically does not exist: Nothing on the front page. It is only painfully on page 10 that readers of the daily will learn incidentally that something may have happened on September 21 in the de Boulogne. Stunning!

Then there is the cross. Unlike Le Monde, for the daily life of left-wing Catholics the subject exists. The newspaper even published a long paper from which it emerged that… Everything is normal. The newspaper widely opens its columns to an obscure lecturer at the University of who learnedly declares that “we cannot say that there are major dysfunctions on the part of the administration or the justice system” . “In this case it seems difficult to me to incriminate the judge of freedoms and detention.” Circulating there is therefore nothing to see.

More seriously, humanity is publishing a truly astonishing paper this morning.

Under the title “When feminicides interest the extreme right for once” the communist newspaper explains that all this is just a news item blown up by racists, which in fact prevents the necessary debate from taking place on protection of women. » closed quotation marks.

“France responsible and guilty”

No, and we have known since Talleyrand, anything that is excessive is insignificant.

But all the same we must put an end to the easy and artificial accusation of political recovery, writes Guillaume Tabard in Le Figaro. Firstly because there is a lot of hypocrisy on the part of those who denounce it. Then because it is the right and duty of political actors to react to events that strike public opinion.

Finally, what shocks the French is not that politicians seize a news item, it is that this news item took place.

And if it is serious, and if we have to talk about it, it is because France is “guilty and responsible,” accuses Olivier Bacuzat on the front page of public opinion. “This tragedy is a concentration of failures in the judicial and administrative systems.”

Yes, “at each stage of this story which unfortunately echoes many others – writes Vincent Trémollet de Villers – we find what leads to this appalling defeat: the misinterpretation of irresponsibility.

Police justice and headache

To continue your reflection on the subject, and on the functioning of the police justice duo, you can read in Le Figaro a very interesting column written jointly by a lawyer and a magistrate. Thibault de Montbrial and Alexandre Stobinsky believe that it is urgent to find political coherence between Beauvau and Vendôme.

If the subject starts to give you a headache, go to Les Echos. Where we learn that the battle of Doliprane has been launched.

Sanofi has indeed decided to sell its flagship drug. And the big question is whether he will remain French. The industrial stakes are high because this little yellow and red box lying at the bottom of your pharmacy cupboard costs 15 billion euros.

Happy birthday BB.

He is the last French star since the disappearance of Delon.

Brigitte Bardot, 90 years old and I don’t know how many front pages of Match. But that makes one more this week.

So “if you don’t get the hinny’s head, if you hate cat hair on the beds, throw the newspaper in the fire” advises Jean Loup Remilleux in the preamble to the beautiful article he is devoting to it this week.

No, of course, read his paper to the end. This portrait of the most “frank French woman”.

No counterfeiting.

But we’re going to end with another star.

And if God created Bardot, apparently he hesitated a little about the genre of this one. She has also made it her trademark.

Mylène Farmer in concert starting tomorrow at the Stade de France.

It doesn’t make you hot or cold. Not the fans for whom this is an unprecedented event. Some have been camping in front of the stadium entrance gates for two months. Incredible paper in Le Parisien.

“The first die-hard fans arrived at the end of July,” says Eric Bureau. That is to say, they were already there before the Olympics. It may seem completely crazy and it is, but after all, they don’t hurt anyone.



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