The moment when Georges-Louis Bouchez loses his calm in the House (VIDEO)

The moment when Georges-Louis Bouchez loses his calm in the House (VIDEO)
The moment when Georges-Louis Bouchez loses his calm in the House (VIDEO)

Rajae Maouane spoke, denouncing “this compass which allows the president of the Reform Movement – your party”, she said, turning to Georges-Louis Bouchez, “to speak of the death of children as a stroke of genius” . Reactions to his speech are divisive. On the one hand, some people in the assembly cheer him with applause, on the other, we hear the person in the background shouting inaudible responses because he was not using his microphone.

The President of the House then asked the MP to continue her speech, brushing aside the demands of Georges-Louis Bouchez, who continued to try to make himself heard, always covered by the applause of his opponents.

“It’s a stroke of genius”: Georges-Louis Bouchez’s comments on the pager attack provoke a reaction from a Lebanese journalist

When it was the turn of Peter Mertens (PTB) to speak to the assembly, the atmosphere was still just as noisy and divided. “Waging an illegal war and wiping our feet on the United Nations charter, no this is not a stroke of genius, this is an act of terrorism”he insists, still under the inaudible demands of Bouchez and his supporters. A Bouchez who will even go so far as to get up and present himself to the perch of the President of the House.



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