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Who teleworks the most (and the least) in the European Union?

Who teleworks the most (and the least) in the European Union?
Who teleworks the most (and the least) in the European Union?

22%: this is the share of workers who teleworked in the European Union in 2023, including 13% occasionally and 9% regularly, according to the latest Eurostat data, reported by Statista.

Teleworking popular in northern Europe

Overall, the proportion of people working remotely in the EU increased by 8 points between 2019 and 2023, proving that the new working habits adopted during the health crisis are well established. And that Europeans are not about to go back to the way many tech companies are doing in the United States.

Eurostat figures, however, highlight major disparities in teleworking practices depending on the country. It is most developed in the northern European countries, with 51.9% of occasional or regular teleworkers in the Netherlands, 45.3% in Sweden, 42.6% in Iceland and almost 42% in Norway and Finland.

On the contrary, the countries of Southern Europe and especially Eastern Europe have far fewer teleworkers. Romania has only 3.3% and Bulgaria 2.8%. For its part, Italy has 12% and Spain 14.2%.

A third of teleworkers in

As for France, it is in the middle of the table, with 33.5% of teleworkers, a figure higher than that of our German neighbors: 23.4%.

It is also noted that women in the European Union telework slightly more than men: 23.1% compared to 21.5%. A gap that is also observed in France, where 35.5% of French women work regularly or occasionally remotely compared to 31.5% of French men.



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