Who is Teresa Ribera, future boss of ecology in Brussels?

Madrid (Spain), correspondence

The news was warmly welcomed in Brussels by environmentalists. The Spanish Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, was proposed ten days ago as Vice-President for Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition at the European Commission. A key position for this lawyer who should thus become Ursula von der Leyen’s right-hand woman.

The President of “ the European executive » places a woman recognised for her leadership on climate and environmental policies in what could be the most influential position in the new college of European commissioners. The proposed team is expected to be submitted to Parliament for approval in November.

“ She is a very good negotiator, who has a thorough understanding of environmental issues and understands the European Union (EU) »says Ariadna Rodrigo, head of European political campaigns for the dedicated branch of Greenpeace. “ By placing Ribera at the helm of this portfolio, von der Leyen is sending a strong message: Europe will continue with the Green Deal. This was not a given before the elections on 9 May. Many analysts said it would not survive the vote. »says Neil Makaroff, director of the European think tank Strategic Perspective.

“ Ursula von der Leyen sends a strong message »

Appointed in 2018 to the Ministry of Ecological Transition by the socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Teresa Ribera already has a resume well-stocked. In 2004, she took over the management of the Spanish Climate Change Office. Between 2008 and 2011, she was Secretary of State for Climate Change in the socialist government of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. In 2013, she joined the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), a French think tank on climate policies. In 2014, the Spaniard became director of this think tank, until her return to Madrid.

Diplomatic skills COP

“ She was probably the best minister in this position. In a difficult period. The government gave it a high priority, allowing substantial progress on the energy transition, the fight against climate change and the conservation of biodiversity. Teresa was in the right direction, even if, perhaps, not with sufficient pace and ambition. »summarizes Eva Saldaña, director of Greenpeace Spain.

In 2020, she was promoted to the rank of Vice-President of the Spanish Government, in charge of the Ecological Transition. An effective leader of the Prime Minister’s bet on renewable energies, she played a leading role during the surge in energy prices due to the war in Ukraine. In the 2023 general elections in Spain, she was “ number 2 » on the list of the Spanish Socialist Party in Madrid. Just behind Pedro Sánchez.

Spanish Environment Minister (and former director of IDDRI) Teresa Ribera during the COP25 in Madrid.
© Alban Elkaïm / Reporterre

Internationally, she is known for her diplomatic skills COPannual summits of theUN on the climate. In Europe ? “ The last two years there was some negativity about environmental and climate policies. Ribera was the one who seemed able to understand the sticking points and reach at least some ambitious agreements. »underlines Ariadna Rodrigo. To the COP28last year, Spain held the rotating presidency of the Council ofEUThe Spanish minister accompanied the European Commissioner for Climate to represent the 27. Unusual.

“ Europe must make the transition an industrialisation plan »

Given the range of tasks assigned to her, she is already unofficially perceived as the “ de facto first vice president » of the European Commission. For Ursula von der Leyen, it is also a message about her green strategy: “ Europe must turn the transition into an industrialization plan, which can be a competitive advantage against China and the United States »believes Neil Makaroff. But Ribera’s real influence will depend on her relationships with the president and other members of the Commission whose skills overlap with hers. Particularly the Frenchman Stéphane Séjourné, in Industrial Strategy. While teeth are grinding in , where the Spaniard is seen as anti-nuclear.

In a European Parliament where environmentalists and centrists have retreated in the face of the extreme right, Teresa Ribera will have to fight against “ headwinds »according to Ariadna Rodrigo. Particularly on the subject of legislation on deforestation: “ It has already been approved, but Parliament says it should be reviewed because it is too much of an administrative burden for businesses. » Finally, upcoming elections in the countries of theEU could pull the Council towards less climate-friendly positions. Faced with these difficulties, Ursula von der Leyen has chosen a personality known to be tenacious and pragmatic. Will she be able to hold the helm? ?





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