Murder of Philippine: a judicial investigation was opened on Tuesday, notably for homicide and rape

Murder of Philippine: a judicial investigation was opened on Tuesday, notably for homicide and rape
Murder of Philippine: a judicial investigation was opened on Tuesday, notably for homicide and rape

An investigating judge has been in charge since Tuesday of the investigation opened in particular for homicide and rape concerning the death in of the young student, Philippine, and for which a suspect was arrested Tuesday evening in Switzerland, the Paris prosecutor’s office said on Wednesday.

The judicial investigation concerns in particular the offences of murder preceded, accompanied or followed by another crime, rape, theft and fraud, all in a state of legal recidivism. “The French judicial authorities will send an extradition request to the Swiss judicial authorities in order to have the person concerned handed over as quickly as possible,” the public prosecutor specified.

VideoMurder of Philippine: suspect arrested in Switzerland

This Tuesday, a 22-year-old suspect, previously convicted of rape and subject to an OQTF, was arrested in Switzerland. The man was identified following tedious work by investigators, his identity being notably entered in the Automated Judicial File of Perpetrators of Sexual or Violent Offenses (FIJAIS) due to the 2019 rape.

Bruno Retailleau promised on Wednesday an evolution of the “legal arsenal” after the arrest of the suspect, a Moroccan whose obligation to leave the territory has provoked many reactions, in particular from the extreme right. This “crime is abominable”, wrote the new Minister of the Interior in a press release. Several political leaders, from both the right and the left, had questioned on Tuesday “the penal and administrative chain”.

The victim, named Philippine and aged 19, was a student at the University of Paris Dauphine. Her body was found buried in the de Boulogne, located in the west of Paris, during a raid on Saturday afternoon. The young woman had not shown up at her parents’ home in where she was supposed to go after having lunch at the Crous of the University of Paris Dauphine and was no longer answering the phone.

About fifty relatives had organized a search on Saturday in the Bois de Boulogne where her mobile phone had been geolocated. They were the ones who discovered her body in the afternoon and alerted the police. According to the autopsy report, the young woman died of asphyxiation. An investigation for voluntary homicide has been opened and entrusted to the criminal brigade of the Paris judicial police.



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