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World Day of the Deaf: 114 in the spotlight

World Day of the Deaf: 114 in the spotlight
World Day of the Deaf: 114 in the spotlight

The public authorities want to take advantage of World Deaf Day to put 114 back in the spotlight, a public emergency service for the deaf and hard of hearing, which is “still too little known”.

By Lucien Brenet, published on September 25, 2024

World Deaf Day is on Saturday. On this occasion, the public authorities are reminding us of the existence of the emergency number 114. Launched in 2011, this public service is aimed at the 7 million deaf and hard of hearing people in , for whom contacting the emergency numbers (15, 17, 18 or 112) is difficult, if not impossible for 450,000 of them.

On the occasion of World Deaf Day, the National Relay Center 114 (CNR 114) wanted to reveal the behind the scenes of a service that is still too little known in France.

A two-person organization

Only 15% of French people say they have already heard of it, according to the 2nd edition of the Viavoice Barometer carried out in June 2024. Even more worrying, only 20% of the people concerned and their entourage identify this number. As a reminder, this public emergency service is managed by the CHU Alpes-. It is free, available 24/7, and provides conversation devices to contact emergency services by SMS, internet or via an Urgence 114 application.

To save time and “be guided even faster” In case of emergency, Dr. Véronique ÉQUIY, head of department at CNR 114, recommends that potential users: “download the application on their mobile and complete their profile on the application.”

The call reception platform is installed at the Grenoble-Alpes University Hospital and is made up of 22 deaf and hearing agents working in pairs and trained in the emergency procedures of SAMU, the police, the gendarmerie and the fire brigade. The agents can respond to requests in French Sign Language or in French.



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