Exclusive. Is Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) afraid of returning to anonymity?

Exclusive. Is Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) afraid of returning to anonymity?
Exclusive. Is Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) afraid of returning to anonymity?

As he celebrates his one-year anniversary on the show this Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Emilien answered our questions on TV Actu. Is the greatest Master of noon afraid of the end and the return to normal life? It’s time for confidences.

Screenshot of The 12 Coups de midi / TF1

This September 25th, it will be one year to the day that Emilien, a history-geography student from Péault, arrived on the plateau of 12 Midday Shots on TF1. Since the beginning, the young Vendéen, who never ceases to surprise Jean-Luc Reichmann from show to show, explains to us that he never had a specific goal in mind, other than that of letting himself be carried away by the music and living day by day: “I never had a goal. My only goal was to be there at the next shows because we have the possibility of losing every day. Every day we go through all the stages again. This goal already seems very ambitious to me.” he told us.

“I try to give myself the means to lose as late as possible”

And yet, Emilien cannot help but consider all the possibilities, including that of being eliminated one day, even if he still hopes to remain Master of Noon for as long as possible, even if it means breaking the bank: “We know it’s coming, he confides. Every day, we know that it’s very possible that we’ll be packing our bags for the last time“. And to clarify: “I really like playing and by really liking playing, you also have to know how to lose.“But whatever happens, Emilien is ready to return to his little daily routine:”Returning to anonymity doesn’t scare me, he tells us. Losing doesn’t scare me, but I do everything to avoid finding myself in that situation. I try to give myself the means to lose as late as possible. In that sense, yes, it can be scary.

What does Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) plan to do with his winnings?

If there is one thing that Emilien does not want to focus on for the moment, it is how he plans to spend his winnings, which amount to 1,549,527 euros this Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Asked about his plans, the Master of Noon does not give up: “As long as I’m in the game, I avoid asking myself the question,” he admits, specifying that he has “no particular dream in mind at the moment.



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