Weather forecast for Wednesday September 25, 2024 in and its surroundings

Weather forecast for Wednesday September 25, 2024 in and its surroundings
Weather forecast for Wednesday September 25, 2024 in Lorient and its surroundings

This Wednesday, September 25, will wake up to overcast weather, but the air temperature will be mild. At dawn, the wind will be 15 km/h, and will gradually increase to approximately 65 km/h towards the beginning of the afternoon. Gusts could reach 85 km/h. Its direction will be inconsistent during this time slot. Drizzle is expected between 10 a.m. and noon. The thermometer will remain consistent at 17 °C.

This afternoon, the wind force will gradually decrease between noon and 6 p.m. to reach around 35 km/h, while the mercury will remain stable at 17 °C. In gusts, the wind could exceed 135 km/h. The wind will be from the Southwest, then will shift to the West in the middle of the afternoon. The sky will remain overcast, with rain between noon and 2 p.m. as well as drizzle in the middle of the afternoon.

In the evening, the wind will continue to decrease around 10 p.m. to approximately 15 km/h, then will increase towards the beginning of the evening to approximately 25 km/h. The 70 km/h can be exceeded in gusts. Its direction will be unstable during this period. The thermometer will remain constant at 16 °C. Overall, the weather will be mainly overcast.

Tonight, the wind force will gradually freshen up to approximately 50 km/h around 5 am, and it will be coming from the South-West. It could reach 100 km/h in gusts. The mercury will remain constant at 17 °C. The sky will be clear towards the beginning of the night, before becoming cloudy around 1 am and becoming completely overcast at the beginning of the night.

Tomorrow, temperatures will be normal for the season: they will range between 14 and 17 °C. The weather will be mainly overcast, with drizzle in the morning but also light rain from morning to evening.

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