Murder of Philippine: Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau calls for “developing our legal arsenal”

Murder of Philippine: Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau calls for “developing our legal arsenal”
Murder of Philippine: Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau calls for “developing our legal arsenal”

the essential
Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau reacted on Wednesday, September 25, after the arrest of Taha O., suspected of the murder of Philippine, a 19-year-old student found buried in the de Boulogne. He expressed his indignation at this tragedy and stressed the need to “change the rules” to guarantee the safety of citizens.

“This crime is abominable and we can only be revolted by this stolen life, upset by the pain of his parents and loved ones,” reacted the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau in a press release on Wednesday, September 25, after the arrest of the main suspect Taha O. in Geneva on Tuesday.

“Ensuring the safety of our compatriots”

Philippine, a 19-year-old student, was found buried in the Bois de Boulogne in during a raid on Saturday. The suspect, a Moroccan, was released in early September after serving 7 years in prison for a rape committed in 2019. “Faced with such a tragedy, preceded by many others, we cannot simply deplore or be outraged,” said Bruno Retailleau. “It is up to us, public officials, to refuse to accept inevitability and to develop our legal arsenal to protect the French.”

Also read:
Murder of Philippine: already convicted of rape, under OQTF… who is Taha O. the main suspect arrested in Geneva?

The Minister of the Interior explained that he wanted to “change the rules” to “ensure the safety of our compatriots”. “Finally, I would like to salute the efficiency of our police services and that of our Swiss neighbours, who allowed the rapid arrest of the suspect”, concludes Bruno Retailleau.



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