this sumptuous palace in Morocco where she took refuge far from French political life

Reappointed to the Ministry of Culture, Rachida Dati finds a pile of files in turmoil, with burning projects to be carried out in a budgetary context under tensionOn the minister’s desk, three projects are holding her full attention: the deployment of a 98 million euro plan for boosting access to culture in rural areas, launched in July, the extension of the Culture Pass to all ages and, as an absolute priority, the
overhaul of public audiovisual media.

One foot in , the other in Morocco, Rachida Dati navigates between her political responsibilities and her
family roots. Despite the ministerial obligations that keep her stuck in the capital, she never hesitates to escape to her Moroccan refugea place full of memories. Furthermore, if the ambition and tenacity of the former Minister of Justice draw their source and Burgundyit was in Chalon-sur-Saône, in the heart of a social housing project, that his professional career took shape.

A career that led Rachida Dati to settle in several French cities

She forged a destiny for herself in the lecture halls of the University of Burgundy in , where she began studies in economicsbefore immersing himself in various professional environments, from Elf Aquitaine (French oil extraction company) to National Education. It was during a
career in the judiciary that she imposes herself on the political scene, crossing the doors of Nicolas Sarkozy’s office in 2002, thus beginning a meteoric rise.

But behind the public woman, Morocco retains a special place in her heart. From Casablanca, where she joins her father in the family hometo the beaches of Agadir, the scene of his daughter Zohra’s first memories, the country is a
intimate and precious refuge. Witness to the major stages of her life, Morocco sees her return regularly, whether to recharge her batteries far from the hustle and bustle of Paris or to accompany state visits, such as that of 2007 alongside Nicolas Sarkozy, as recalled The House Journal.

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Rachida Dati

A Moroccan palace in which Rachida Dati willingly takes refuge

Rachida Dati also leads a multifaceted Parisian life, shared between her ministerial obligations and more personal moments. It should be noted that her Parisian apartment was the scene of an incident in 2021. What should have been a peaceful return turned into a real nightmare when she discovered that her
home had been burglarizedThe shock was twofold: not only was her handbag missing, but it also contained the keys to her former residence, increasing the minister’s concern, as reported. The Women’s Journal.

Although the details of this case remain unclear and the identity of the burglars remains uncertain, Rachida Dati, on the alert, would have been able to take the necessary measures to strengthen its security. Today, protected by her ministerial status, she can devote herself fully to her responsibilities. Another property in which the minister has settled: an apartment located in the 6th arrondissement of the capital.

An exceptional Parisian apartment in which Rachida Dati resided, at the heart of a controversy

From 2019 to 2024,
Rachida Dati would have stayed in this sumptuous apartment
a good whose monthly rent of 10,000 euros was reportedly settled by Henri Proglio, former CEO of EDF and Veolia, and former partner of the politician, according to information revealed by
Release. The investigation begins with the description of the apartment ” family and reception ” in which the couple lived for a few years. ” 225 m² rue
in the 6th arrondissement, a stone’s throw from the Luxembourg Gardens, a large living room of almost 50 m², a master suite, four other bedrooms…
” where the couple settled in 2019 until Henri Proglio left after their breakup, in January 2024.

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Rachida Dati, Minister of Culture

Rachida Dati is said to have continued to reside in this luxurious apartment until July, enjoying this exceptional setting without
spend every pennythe rent being, according to Releasesupported by his former partner. Financial support that escapes the vigilance of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life. As the daily indicates, ” oddly enough, this type ofbenefit in kind does not have to appear on the declaration of assets or interests submitted by any member of the government ».



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