Bad weather in : the scathing attack of the LR mayor, David Lisnard, against Agnès Pannier-Runacher: News

Bad weather in : the scathing attack of the LR mayor, David Lisnard, against Agnès Pannier-Runacher: News
Bad weather in Cannes: the scathing attack of the LR mayor, David Lisnard, against Agnès Pannier-Runacher: News

As Les Républicains take part in Michel Barnier’s new government, the LR mayor of , David Lisnard, castigated the Minister for Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. He accuses her of “gross incompetence” after the damage caused by severe weather in his city on Monday, September 23.

After the severe weather that hit Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) on Monday, September 23, the mayor of the town, David Lisnard, violently attacked the new government. More specifically, it was the Minister of Ecological Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, who suffered the wrath of the man who was once mentioned at Matignon.No alert received, no weather model in anticipation, a situation managed on the ground by municipal teams“, he denounced on the social network X, while the department was only on yellow alert. No less than 50 mm of rain fell in half an hour.

Météo- responded to the councillor, maintaining that the yellow alert in the department was relevant, while Serge Zaka, a doctor in agroclimatology, considered that the problem lay mainly in the “sururbanisation“from Cannes. A hypothesis also retained by the new minister.”By dint of waterproofing and densifying cities, we end up with damage of this nature. (…) 50 millimeters of water is not Niagara Falls either.“, she said on France 5.

“Gross incompetence”

Enough to make the Republican member jump, who denounces “about gross incompetence (…), disrespectful of realities and local work“, reports Le Figaro.”We are one of the most active sectors in France against flash floods, including in reducing artificialization, recognized by your ministry. And you remain at this level of preaching? Could you respect the people and the work in a disaster-stricken city?” he got angry at X.

Thomas Ozon, director of technical services for the city of Cannes, agreed.For the record, Madam Minister, the record in in 24 hours is 78 mm. This morning in Cannes, almost 50 mm fell in 30 minutes! This is an intensity of rain that more than half of the French have never seen in their lives.“, he assured. Several other elected members of the Republicans came in support. Heated exchanges which suggest some difficulties within the government coalition – in which the Republicans participate.



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