2,100 km in 10 days: in Trévou-Tréguignec, a winning bet for Arnaud Le Breton

2,100 km in 10 days: in Trévou-Tréguignec, a winning bet for Arnaud Le Breton
2,100 km in 10 days: in Trévou-Tréguignec, a winning bet for Arnaud Le Breton

Arnaud Le Breton’s incredible bet, 2,100 km in 10 days from Porto (Portugal) to arrive in Trévou-Tréguignec, has been won. This former windsurfer, who became a brilliant triathlete, was supported by his entire family – all great running athletes – his wife Nathalie and his children Lise, Léane, Jade and Arthur.

Over time, the project matured and took shape: “It was life that led us to fight the disease: Lise was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 10.”

This Monday, September 23, Arnaud Le Breton won his bet. That morning, he left Loudéac accompanied by cyclists and arrived at the town hall square cheered by his family, friends, elected officials and children from the two schools in Trévou-Tréguignec.

“Did you get a flat tire?”

Surrounded by a crowd of admirers, he explained why he decided to help “À chacun son cap”, an association that allows children and young adults with cancer or in remission to go on a sailboat for a week and “throw the disease overboard”. Then he described his journey: “I would hit the road at 6 a.m. After an hour of cycling, I was able to erase the stress and anxiety of the often unanswered questions. I wanted to take the road to Compostela. Bad idea, it was -! Only impassable cobblestones. But the hardest part was the wind that I often had in my face”.

The schoolchildren’s questions came thick and fast: “Did you get flat tires? How much does your bike weigh? Where did you sleep? What was your favorite landscape?”

Despite his fatigue, Arnaud Le Breton played the game and answered all the questions, going so far as to detail difficult passages: “I was in pain everywhere. The bike, equipped with 3 liters of water, clothes, etc. weighs 22 kg. Climbing hills with this weight quickly becomes difficult and painful.” When asked who would like to do this kind of challenge, all hands went up!




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