Discover this link between Maud Bregeon, new government spokesperson and the city of

Discover this link between Maud Bregeon, new government spokesperson and the city of
Discover this link between Maud Bregeon, new government spokesperson and the city of Poitiers

Maud Bregeon was just appointed government spokesperson, this Sunday, September 22. Aged 33, she combines this title with that of Minister Delegate to Prime Minister Michel Barnier. The former voice of the Renaissance party is originally from .

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The spokesperson for the Barnier government, who succeeds Prisca Thevenot, was born in February 1991 in (Vienne). This is where her father taught as a professor of sociology at the university, as our colleagues at Libération recalled. The former MP for the 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine also highlighted this territorial anchoring in a campaign leaflet.Originally from Vienne, I settledeand in Hauts-de-Seine eight years ago“, she affirmed during the legislative elections of June 2022.

A seat as a deputy that she had managed to keep, after the early legislative elections last June and July. Before sitting at the Palais Bourbon, she was a municipal councilor in Levallois (Hauts-de-Seine) until 2022. She held this position for two years, in this city located west of . A stronghold that she did not let go of, since she was both a candidate in the municipal elections of this city and a referent in this department for the Renaissance party (formerly En Marche).

Before entering politics, she worked for eight years as an engineer for a nuclear division of EDF.



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