Tahar Rahim discusses his family life with Leïla Bekhti

Tahar Rahim discusses his family life with Leïla Bekhti
Tahar Rahim discusses his family life with Leïla Bekhti

Tahar Rahim and Leïla Bekhti form a beautiful family. Alongside their successful careers, the young parents want to protect their children.

Tahar Rahim is starring in a new film project. On October 23, “Monsieur Aznavour” will be released in theaters, a biopic about the singer in which the actor plays the lead role. Appearing on the show “Sept à Huit” as part of the promotion of this feature film, Tahar Rahim confided in Leïla Bekhti about his children.

Tahar Rahim and Leïla Bekhti both want to separate their careers from their family life. However, in this profession, the boundaries can often be thin. This is particularly the case for the actor in the preparation of his role in the biopic. Indeed, his life partner Leïla Bekhti had said: “I can’t take it anymore. I hear Charles Aznavour yelling at my children at home, it’s getting embarrassing.” A statement that made her partner smile: “It’s very funny, yes indeed, I talked like him all the time, it was very funny.”

Read also: Legendary couple: Leïla Bekhti and Tahar Rahim, discreet chic

Protecting your children from notoriety, a priority

During this interview, Tahar Rahim confided in the vision of their four children on their careers which still seems far from reality. He then declares: “I think that protecting my children is also that. Not to subject them to a form of notoriety or something that is not natural.” He continues by explaining:…

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