VIDEO – Michel Fau under the spell of Karine Le Marchand: “She is still very, very attractive”

VIDEO – Michel Fau under the spell of Karine Le Marchand: “She is still very, very attractive”
VIDEO – Michel Fau under the spell of Karine Le Marchand: “She is still very, very attractive”

Renowned for his productions in theatre and opera, Michel Fau is also known to the general public for having joined the gang of Big Heads in 2020. This Saturday, September 21, the man with uncompromising opinions was the guest of Éric Dussart and Jade in We’re remaking TVon RTL. He was asked many questions, including what he preferred to watch on television: Broceliandethe new TF1 series, or Love is in the meadow on M6? Michel Fau’s choice was quickly made: without hesitation, he chose the famous reality TV show. Why? “I find it fascinating, what it says about human beings”the actor first replied, before adding, as if it were nothing: “And then, uh… Is it still Karine Le Marchand? She’s still very, very attractive…”

A confession that greatly amused Éric Dussart and Jade, especially when Michel Fau added another layer by explaining : “On a made The Big Heads ensemble”, before repeating: “She’s still very attractive, isn’t she?” An insistence that did not escape the two presenters. “Did you have a little crush, or am I dreaming?” Eric Dussart asked him. “Ah, really!” replied with humor the one who has directed many television and film stars in the theater. “Does she know, or will she find out by listening to us?” then asked the discreet presenter. However, it would seem that no surprise awaits the M6 ​​presenter, judging by the response of the actor and director: “Yes, she came to see me play at the theater, I invited her.”

>> PHOTOS – Karine Le Marchand: her physical evolution

Michel Fau: his amusing confession

The story does not say what representation the presenter, very close to the candidates, Love is in the meadow attended – or whether everything went as planned… Which, a priori, is not always the case. As Michel Fau also confided, citing his experience as a director: “Sometimes actors who had a love affair would settle their scores on set.” Deadpan, the troublemaker gave details that provoked hilarity from the presenters ofWe’re remaking TV : “They were slapping each other and everything… They were changing the whole staging!”before adding “When they had argued the day before, they didn’t talk to each other anymore, on stage they didn’t look at each other anymore… it was hell.”Enough to annoy the director despite his open-mindedness.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot / X (formerly Twitter)



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