revelations about his heritage, his three children …

revelations about his heritage, his three children …
revelations about his heritage, his three children …

A tribute to Alain Delon is planned for November 8. Fabien Lecoeuvre discussed this subject on TPMP by giving new information on the children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon.

On the set of
this Thursday, September 19, 2024, New revelations have been made about Alain Delon’s children.
Journalist Fabien Lecoeuvre provided more details on the subject.

As a reminder: disagreements were already taking place before the actor’s death. A conflict is evident between Anouchka Delon and her two brothers, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon.

A conflict that continues between children

Before a tribute planned for next November, the family will gather: “There will be a big family reunion at the end of this month.” explains Fabien Lecoeuvre. However, the columnist did not want to go into details, wishing to say more only next October.

It was Gilles Verdez who said more about the current situation between the siblings. If there is a family meeting, it is because it is not going well. We thought that everything was settled in the inheritance of Alain Delon, but it is not going well. There would be a contestation of the inheritance and the will of Alain Delon. Within the family, there are big discussions. And this meeting could lead to an extremely complex situation within the family.” he says.

The three children present for his tribute on November 8?

A symphonic concert of great film tunes by Alain Delon will be played on November 8 by 80 musicians on stage. “I’m going to reveal to you a text message from Anthony Delon. He is focusing in the coming weeks on this national and public tribute at the Palais des Congrès. He explained in the text message that he supports and that he will be present with his brother, Alain-Fabien Delon, at this event on November 8.” begins by explaining Fabien Lecoeuvre.

His father, Alain Delon, was reportedly informed of the tribute when his health deteriorated. “And Anthony Delon told me something very important in the text message. He said: ‘After checking with my father’s personal assistant, I had confirmation that he thought at the time that it was a very good project and that’s what convinced me all the more to participate.'”

Anouchka Delon: her presence at the tribute raises questions

Will Anouchka Delon also be present for the tribute on November 8? “Anouchka, I imagine she will probably be there too. It’s an important tribute, the 3,000 people will perhaps have the joy of seeing the three children together, that would be wonderful.” says Fabien Lecoeuvre.

But Gilles Verdez does not seem to agree with this information.
“November 8th is not unanimous within the family. The fact that Alain Delon potentially gave his agreement also raises questions. It is not at all certain that the whole family will be reunited on November 8th.” he nuances.



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