Clara Luciani (32 years old) speaks frankly about her love life, “Someone very…

Clara Luciani (32 years old) speaks frankly about her love life, “Someone very…
Clara Luciani (32 years old) speaks frankly about her love life, “Someone very…

By Clémence T

– Published on Sep 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Although she is usually discreet, Clara Luciani agreed to share a few secrets about her love life.

Crédit photo : Shutterstock

Singer and composer Clara Luciani has been enjoying real success for several years. Now aged 32, the pretty brunette has always had a passion for music, so much so that she became a member of the group The WomanIt was only later that she dared to go solo. “After a breakup, I needed to write songs, I needed to take them on stage”she confided to And it is clear that she did well. Her first album entitled Holy Victory everyone agrees. The artist then continues with Hearthis second album with 80s disco influences.

Clara Luciani very protective of her love life

Clara Luciani could not be happier. Know that the same is true in her personal life. For several years now, the singer has been living a beautiful love story with Alex Kapranosthe singer of Franz Ferdinand. However, don’t count on her to talk about it. Clara Luciani is more of the type to remain discreet and preserve her love story as she confided in the columns of Télé 7 Jours: “I never talk about my private life. It’s precious to have a small place in a world where we share everything.”. This couldn’t be clearer.

Singer once in a relationship with a “harmful” man

While Clara Luciani is keen to protect her little cocoon by not talking about her man, she has no trouble speaking out about her ex-partner. Speaking to Neon magazine in 2020, the singer admitted to having been in a complicated romantic relationship with a “very harmful ex”The one who became a mother in 2023 explained then: “I was in a relationship with a guy who later inspired the album. It was a very unhealthy relationshipwho locked me up, I didn’t see many people except for that boy. It’s a bit of a sad time, and which lasted about three years”.

Since then, his vision of romantic relationships has evolved. “There are many forms of love so each time needs a definition”she explained this time to Konbini. And added: “But I would say it’s a powerful feeling, tender or devastating.”.

Clara Luciani: “I won’t do it again”

Still on the subject of her ex, Clara Luciani reveals that the latter went so far as to give her an ultimatum. “It’s something I’m not proud of…”she admitted with some hindsight. “I put my music aside and I won’t do that again. I was in a relationship with someone very harmful and who more or less asked to choose between my songs and him… This is something completely crazy that I will never do again!”. Fortunately, her current partner, also a singer, is best placed to understand her passion for music. A healthy relationship in which Clara Luciani is now thriving.



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