“The idea of ​​death makes it more intense…”: Jean-Louis Aubert, saved in extremis, returns to his malformation in “C à vous”

“The idea of ​​death makes it more intense…”: Jean-Louis Aubert, saved in extremis, returns to his malformation in “C à vous”
“The idea of ​​death makes it more intense…”: Jean-Louis Aubert, saved in extremis, returns to his malformation in “C à vous”

In December 2020, Jean-Louis Aubert underwent surgery after learning that he had a heart defect. Four years after this heavy hospitalization, the 69-year-old singer seems to be in good health and has decided to share his new outlook on life.

Invited onto the set of the show “C à vous”, the artist who has faced financial problems, has just made a surprising statement to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

Jean-Louis Aubert: heart disease detected at 65

Born with a heart defect, Jean-Louis Aubert only learned about it at the age of 65. In 2020, the singer went to a simple medical consultation to discuss the coronavirus, when he is told that he has a heart defect. Very quickly, he was forced to undergo surgery.

Going into hospital the day after a radio show when you feel great and finding yourself in a matter of hours on the edge of life, breathing between two walls of pain, can seem like a nightmare.. But I quickly realized that this was a great opportunity. I could have continued to ignore this little genetic anomaly and found myself on one knee or worse.” he told his fans at the time, explaining why he had to postpone his concert tour.

Poet at heart, He then confided in his intervention with these words: : “The lady who put me to sleep was a violinist. We chose a song by Schubert. She brought me a small speaker and put it on my chest. I heard a few notes and I went into limbo. When I woke up, I felt like I had heard this song in my sleep. (…) I thought it would be a memory of that period.“The poignant testimony of an artist with infinite poetry.

Jean-Louis Aubert opens up about his relationship with death

This Thursday, September 19, 2024, Jean-Louis Aubert was invited on the set of the show “C à vous”. The host Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine then spoke about the singer’s health concerns : “Four years ago, you were diagnosed with a congenital heart defect that could have been fatal at any time. You were unknowingly living with a sword of Damocles hanging over your head, and it was covid that saved your life.” she said.

To which the 69-year-old artist responded: “No, I told this so that the press would talk about it.” the singer first joked. And added: “The idea of ​​death when you are alive is enlightening. It makes life more intense, urgent. Everything that is important must be done now!” he then declared.



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