Death of Amélie Champagne: Lyme disease diagnosis remains uncertain

Death of Amélie Champagne: Lyme disease diagnosis remains uncertain
Death of Amélie Champagne: Lyme disease diagnosis remains uncertain

Endless delays, changing diagnoses and underestimated mental suffering contributed to the death of Amélie Champagne, who committed suicide in Montreal in 2022 after years of suffering from symptoms resembling Lyme disease.

However, coroner Julie-Kim Godin did not conclude that the 22-year-old woman, daughter of the president of the Jean Coutu Group, Alain Champagne, was indeed suffering from Lyme disease as she believed.

• Also read: Chief Coroner Orders Public Inquiry into Death of Amélie Champagne

• Also read: Daughter ‘rejected by health system’, denounces father of young woman who took her own life

It issues 19 recommendations in its report, following hearings held in December and January as part of the public inquiry.

According to the many testimonies collected, several laboratory tests had proven negative for Lyme disease, but Ms. Champagne had notably received a contrary diagnosis in a private clinic.

“The fact that Ms. Champagne had Lyme disease, or not, does not change the cause of her death, my findings, or my recommendations. What is important to remember is rather that, based on the information consulted and received, Ms. Champagne had the firm conviction that she had persistent symptoms of Lyme disease (or a co-infection),” wrote coroner Me Godin.

The medical wandering experienced by Mrs. Champagne fueled her distress.

“Over time, she received several changing diagnostic impressions and experienced many uncertainties. Some told her she did not have Lyme disease, while others told her the opposite. She was referred to a microbiology and infectiology specialist in the public health network, but was never able to get an appointment due to waiting times,” she says.

The coroner is also asking the Ministry of Health and Social Services to improve the care pathway for people suspected of suffering from Lyme disease.

She asks doctors to be better trained in the psychological issues encountered by patients with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of Lyme disease.

More details to come…

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