a tribute will be paid to

a tribute will be paid to
a tribute will be paid to Roanne

Since Friday, the ASR XV rugby club of has been in shock after the announcement of the sudden death of one of its former players, Quentin Gobet, at the age of 27. Born in Roanne, he was about to start his second year playing for the rugby club in National 2 when he was the victim of a traffic accident.

He was stationary in a car at a traffic light in Niort when his vehicle and two others were violently hit by a hit-and-run driver. Quentin Gobet succumbed to his injuries. After fleeing, the 27-year-old hit-and-run driver was arrested a few hours later and taken into custody.

He was brought before the court, charged with involuntary manslaughter and placed in pre-trial detention.

A minute of applause this Sunday

This Sunday, a minute of applause was organized in several rugby stadiums in tribute to the former Roanne full-back, including the Vaux stadium, where the ASR team was traveling for its first day of the championship.

Messages have multiplied on the networks in tribute to the full-back who, after a brief stint at the Charlieu club, ten years at the ASR, joined the LOU at the age of 16. He then continued his career at Romans Drôme Rugby where he participated in the rise to Pro D2. And he then followed his coach to join Niort.

His big brother Gaël is an ASR player this year

ASR Roanne is considering, in conjunction with the family, the form of the tribute that should be paid this Sunday in Roanne, on the sidelines of the match against Pont-de-Chéruy. The president of the ASR, Gérard Gacon, is in contact with the Gobet family, whose name is closely linked to the club. T-shirts are being made, with a photo of Quentin Gobet on the front and the number 15 that he wore in Niort on the back.

After playing in Charlieu, Father Philippe “was an educator at the ASR and put together a team of former players,” explains the president. He recalls that Gaël Gobet, Quentin’s older brother, returned to Roanne after a stint in Tarare. The latter naturally did not take part in the match in Vaux, but would like to play next Sunday against Pont-de-Chéruy.

A ceremony should take place in the coming days in Roanne, once the medico-legal obstacle has been removed since an autopsy was to take place on Tuesday, September 17.



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