Hadja Lahbib to a high position at the European Commission

by Jennifer Mertens
published on Tuesday September 17, 2024 has 11:03
2 min read

This Tuesday, European President Ursula von der Leyen presented the composition she wanted for her second Commission. And among the names revealed, we find that of the Belgian Hadja Lahbid.

In the news: Hadja Lahbib proposed for the post of European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection.

  • An appointment which comes at a time when The President of the European Commission is in this Tuesday morning to unveil the composition of her potential future team. to the group leaders of the European Parliament.
  • Lahbib would thus inherit the portfolio of the current Slovenian minister Janez Lenarčič. and not that of migration, as rumor had suggested.
  • A less difficult portfolio, but still essential for Europe since it involves being able to respond quickly to disasters while providing constant support to populations affected by international crises.

The candidate still has to prove herself

But her appointment is not yet guaranteed. The Belgian Foreign Minister still has to prove herself and, above all, successfully pass her hearing before the European Parliament.

  • In the coming weeks, the European Parliament will conduct a major oral interview in Brussels with candidates for the posts of European Commissioners, after any form of conflict of interest with their future assignment has been ruled out.
  • If they pass this test, they will then be appointed to the position for which they were taking the exam.


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