DayFR Euro

“The whole house shook” – There was supposed to have been a bang before the tire fire

A news scout observed a fire that broke out in Rotkreuz ZG on Friday evening at around 9:45 p.m. When asked, the Zug police confirmed that a large number of rescue workers were deployed, but could not yet provide any precise details.

The police used Alertswiss and warned in the evening of heavy smoke development and restricted traffic. At midnight the all-clear was given that the fire had been extinguished.

A local resident told how she discovered the fire. “Suddenly there were several bangs, the whole house shook, and I ran out onto the balcony, then I saw the fire and I shouted: ‘Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.'”

She went on to report how the fire brigade arrived partly on foot and spent about an hour putting out the fire. Later in the fire, smoke also developed on the upper floors, which the fire brigade then “controlled with passenger lifts”. The fire has now been put out, she said, at least “as far as I can see”.

A video shows several fire brigade vehicles on their way to the scene of the fire. Another video from a news scout shows what appears to be a tire and car accessories shop burning. Another news scout said it smelled of tires.

News scouts reported how the fire broke out again and again in the same place, but the onlookers could not watch for long. “After a few minutes we were chased away because of the smoke.” An eyewitness also told how the windows exploded, probably because of the fire.

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