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Marine Tondelier asks to meet the leaders of the presidential majority

The head of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, judged it “serious” this Wednesday, June 26 on RMC-BFMTV that the presidential majority is not, for the moment, giving instructions to vote against the RN in the second round of the legislative elections.

The national secretary of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, said she was “dismayed” this Wednesday, June 26, by the absence for the time being of a voting instruction from the presidential majority for the second round of the legislative elections, the July 7, and asked, in a letter published on social networks, to meet the leaders of the parties that make it up.

In the event of a triangular (a second round with three candidates in a constituency) with an environmentalist candidate who came in third position in the first round, he will withdraw for the candidate who is not far-right, she said. on RMC-BFMTV. The head of the Ecologists hopes that this instruction will have a “ripple effect” on the other parties.

The outgoing head of the La France insoumise deputies, Mathilde Panot, also assured Friday that LFI will call for a vote against the National Rally (RN) in a constituency where the left would be absent from the second round of the legislative elections.

“The instructions that the parties give will count,” declared Marine Tondelier. “When a President of the Republic, when a Prime Minister, procrastinates on this type of subject, it gives one hesitation, they are prescribers all the same.”

No instructions at the moment

Questioned on Saturday by Le Parisien about a possible voting instruction for the second round, Gabriel Attal was content to say that his “values” “drive him to do everything to prevent people from coming to the head of our country who are fueled by to division, hatred and the weakening of our republican pact”.

Furthermore, his camp did not give instructions to withdraw for the second round and did not present candidates in certain constituencies “to avoid the victory of the extremes”, in the words of the Prime Minister. In the Corrèze constituency where the former socialist president François Hollande is a candidate for the New Popular Front, the majority supports the LR candidate facing him.

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During this campaign for the legislative elections, the leaders of the majority have sent back to back the left bloc, represented by the New Popular Front, and that of the extreme right with the National Rally. The programs of the “two extremes” lead “to civil war”, thus affirmed Emmanuel Macron in a podcast broadcast Monday, in which he castigates the National Rally, La France Insoumise “and those who follow them”.

Tondelier will write to the leaders of the majority

“I think what they are doing is really extremely serious,” said Marine Tondelier on RMC-BFMTV this Wednesday: “I am appalled, I think they have lost their compass and that it is harmful.” The leader of the Ecologists will therefore write during the day to the leaders of the different parties in the presidential majority (Renaissance, Modem, Horizons, UDI).

“I will even ask to see them because I want them to explain to me, eye to eye, what they have not understood. I want them to explain to me, eye to eye, why they don’t don’t differentiate between the extreme right and the left,” she said.

If they do not call for a barrier against the far right in the second round, Marine Tondelier “sincerely calls on their voters to put a barrier against them”.


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