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Marine Tondelier wants a meeting with the center and the right to talk about withdrawal

DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP Marine Tondelier hopes for a Republican barrage in the second round of the legislative elections. (Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP)


Marine Tondelier hopes for a Republican barrage in the second round of the legislative elections. (Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP)

POLITICS – The “ republican front ” does it still exist? A few days before a possible rise to power of the extreme right, and in a context where political reference points are blurred, Marine Tondelier wants to believe that yes. The national secretary of the Ecologists wrote a letter to the leaders of the right and center parties (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons and UDI) to propose a meeting ” emergency “.

“I want them to explain to me face to face why they don’t differentiate between the extreme right and the left. This Republican withdrawal could tilt dozens of constituencies. The instructions that the parties give will count. I am appalled that a President of the Republic and a Prime Minister are procrastinating on this subject. They have lost their compass and it’s harmful”she explained on BFMTV this Wednesday, June 26.

Faced with the probably large number of triangulars – due to an expected increase in participation – the question of the attitude to adopt with a view to the second round will arise in a stark manner for the Macronist bloc, until then locked in a refusal to choose between the New Popular Front and the nationalist offer.

None reacted

“In the second round, when a Republican candidate is opposed to a National Rally candidate, we will support the Republican candidate”, writes Marine Tondelier. The ecologists also announced a few days ago the withdrawal of their own candidates if, in the event of a triangular, they come third with a risk of seeing the RN win.

“I admit I don’t understand your inability to make such clear statements. The future of our country will depend on your ability to uphold this basic principle of republican life.”insists the elected representative of Hénin-Beaumont to the representatives of the right and the center. She finally writes: “I would like to meet each of you before the first round, in order to discuss this subject. » None of the recipients have, for the moment, reacted officially.

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In the presidential camp, usually very fond of calls for “ barrage » when they are profitable for him, it is radio silence. Or rather, ” you LFI-you RN ” On France Inter, the head of Horizons Édouard Philippe refused to express a preference between these two political parties, explaining that he was fighting to ensure that the match would be as little present as possible in the second round. The former Prime Minister made an appointment on Sunday evening.

According to The Parisianthe executives of the presidential relative majority (Macron, Attal, Séjourné, Bayrou, Philippe, Braun-Pivet…. met on Tuesday morning and leaned towards this balancing act. Which, according to the confidences of a presidential executive, the Macronist campaign with the HuffPost, was not yet definitively decided because everyone planned to talk again this weekend to see if this position needed to be changed. It remains to be seen whether they will discuss it with Marine Tondelier.

Also see on The HuffPost :

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